Love and Pain chapter 13

I know father is the one who took chase captive but that wouldn't have happened if you didn't sell them out." she roared before pyro could respond venus slashed at him again. pyro flew out of the lair and drew his claymore. venus wasn't far behind.

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Naomi Finds Muddie

Naomi: an ocelot assassin, who works for arawan, in order to free her brother whom she is lead to believe is also in captivity by the evil dragon.

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Dungeons & Adders CH13

"and while i've got you captive...", pinetooth said as she muzzled the black ferret. "'re going to listen to my concerns about your lifestyle." oh joy, tiltilla groaned mentally as she produced a diaper and began putting in on him.

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Freshly Driven

After all, his taste was superb and none of the ladies of the black scale were novices in such womanly arts after a week of captivity.

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The Two Black Wolves

"'there will be no freedom in captivity.' "'ignore the white one, it cannot speak of what it does not know. join us and know freedom. join us and know power. join us and know, once again, instinct, and lust.'

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The Dragon's Garden

He hadn't noticed that before, but those violet eyes were really captivating. they almost seemed to shine gently, light pulsating from them and filling the space around with a calming luminescence that made him feel... strangely light-headed.

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Loskra's Story

Her lab was improvised from what bits and pieces of gear she could secret away from the latest captives of her warren, and she kept them as well-hidden as she could in the small space she had for herself.

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Aberration, Part 5 - Chaos Ensues

"i have to insist that you turn your captive over to me," he demands. the kangaroo nods, guiding her forward by the arm. "i have a single request. do not harm her unnecessarily." "but of course," the officer agrees.

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Look into my eyes...

Up close like this they were even more captivating than before. "hey, do you wanna get out of here? you said you lived nearby, right? maybe we could, you know, spend some time alone?"

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CHAPTER 1: the rising sun

Grey wondered if all humans were this stupid, he panned his vision around the dimly lit interior of the truck, they had managed to gather a few small insects and a broken shrub as their captives, the rear windows of the truck had metal bars poorly

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Finding My Purpose

Façade that i keep in order to appear healthy and calm you and i share a passion, the desire to help others to unbury those that lost their will to uncover their desires and dreams and exuberant flames but that passion of mine cannot be held captive

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1:22 Conference #2

#22 of the underground: the mercenary the mercenary _is the first arc of the underground series_ _chapter 22 of 32_ **conference #2** "a second attempt at retrieving one former employee and one former captive; results?

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