Answer Everything: From Sources
I fidgeted and frowned, my body vibrated. feeling a paw upon my shoulder, i turned my head to him noticing a smile upon his face. i nodded in response, still maintaining that anxiety rushing through my body as we placed a foot forward.
Venturing: Upmorning
But it flickered and vibrated underneath her touch. yang whispered, loud for us to hear "i wonder who was using this projectile as a means for its owner's goals?" "must be the janitor."
[TF] Perfect Chord
The impact between the two beaks sends out a vibrating tinkle, echoing throughout the newly-formed oricorio's body.
Rock monsters
It was annoying, she felt every vibration in the water, she could even feel the odd fish swimming by employ it's little brain as a tingle in her nose. home.
The House on Rainbow Road - 12 - Mary
From every angle and in every tone, cuckoo clocks and grandfather clocks began tweeting and banging away, rattling the windows, resonating off of the walls, and even vibrating the pews on which the girls prayed upon.
Blood on my Mind's Hands
I could feel the vibration of their bodies quaking in the very air. their eyes were locked to their former squad leader whose steel helmet was now the size of an aluminum soda can, crumpled around the bleeding stump of a neck.
LoS: A New Age Chapter 7(Short intro of Evelyn)
Then the rock above them started vibrating. spyro chewed through the last of the vine and went as close as possible to cynder's ear and said, "i love you."
Blank Verse Essay On The Futility of So-Called "A.I." Art
The real and actual embodiment in matter--paint or plaster, sound or words, or vibrating electrons on a disk-- existence paired to essence.
005 - The World pt.04
vibrating with anticipation they start walking from their stop, power walking as if their birthday presents are waiting for them at home!
Macro Training Camp
Your voice will vibrate the very air they breathe. your glance will make humans quiver. you are monsters. humans are helpless against anything you could do to them. but those of you here don't want to be living disasters. you want to be miracles of aid.
Thar She Blows! (Pearl TF Story)
** **it continued growing, pushing out inch by inch as her ears shrank, her head shifting to become much more block like. with a few more snaps and pops, her snout had finished forming. dizzy, she steps back a bit, her room vibrating due to how heavy
Rise of Evil: Chapter 2
The air starts to vibrate and glow around him as he unwillingly turns back time for a full foot of space, the entirity of it going back to be damaged. whimpering shadow stops lowering his ears.