Summertime Fruit (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The dragon froze in the kitchen, arm stretched out towards the refrigerator. In the moment, he was locked between desire and self control, with neither yet the clear victor. ~ From her sprawl on the couch, the gryphon cried out with assistance....
Trowel, and Despair (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The fox gazed out at the shrunken plants and dying leaves of his garden. Some portions were as though a desert, the others a swamp. All had too much or to little water; nothing had successfully grown. ~ His attention turned to the trowel in his...
Transcend - Part 2
It was bound in faux leather, and was untitled. as chrysalis eased the cover open, a strange silver object tumbled out onto the bed. chrysalis picked the object up, investigating it. she knew what it was; it was a spring-loaded hoof pen.
Flames Entertain an Offer (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The deer glared up at the thirty foot tall pillar of fire that loomed over the desert scrub. "Anything you'd be willing to steal, you'd've already taken.", tossing one of the previous year's antlers into the flames, "I'm here to make a deal." ~ The...
Carefully Arranged Papers (Otherwise Untitled)
~ Alexander hefted his backpack from the post X-ray conveyor belt to one of the inspector's tables. He tried to keep his glittering red crest feathers in a subdued posture, handing his passport over to the customs official. With the apathetic gaze that...
Practice, Practice, Practice (Otherwise Untitled)
Though the weight of being a pallbearer had become familiar to the otter's hands, his heart carried each burden as though it were his first.
Best Man's Coat (Otherwise Untitled)
The gryphon's immodest thoughts about the best man cried out to stall from pulling his fiancee into his life's longest running error.
Aged Patience at Dusk (Otherwise Untitled)
~ [Author's Note: The Synth mentioned in this story are a fictional species of robot-folk, created by Vader-San. For an example image of a Synth,...
Trip Planning Diner (Otherwise Untitled)
~ Beth sunk back into the comfort of the diner's bench seating, nodding along to Harold's reckoning on which highways to take over the mountains. "Uh huh.", the possum's eyes on the kobold's plate, "Yeah", looking back up to Harold. Her attentions were...
Best Laid Course (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The corgi, tumbling down along the sand dune, wheezed and hacked as the sand bit into her joints and breathing seemed never enough to recover her breath. The heat of the winds seemed to try and pry its way in through her vision and soul, allied with...
Cutting Board Decisions (Otherwise Untitled)
~ Inhale. ~ Exhale. Hand shaking. ~ Inhale. ~ Exhale. Set the knife down on the counter. ~ Inhale. ~ Exhale. Back away from the cabbage. From the cutting board. From the counter. ~ Stumble. ~ Inhale. ~ Crumple to the floor. ~ Exhale. Tuck tail...
Dignified Supreme Crunch (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The fox's graying muzzle wrinkled as he gazed down at the bundle of liquefied foodstuff wrapped in an off-white tortilla. "And this..", he prodded it with one of the supplied plastic forks, " what you kid look forward to eating?" His gaze rose to...