Tiger Wolf (pt 1)

No one knows his real name, but the eyes have designated him tiger wolf for his fur pattern and his ruthlessness, not to mention how damn sneaky he can be." "fenrys obscure," davis says with pride.

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Wererabbit & Werefox TF Story

"shucks, we even had to take down foxes from trying to steal our farm food, those creatures sure are sneaky and cunning" tony replied as he laughed and finished the tent. "they sure are.."

Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 48

I'll force you to admit to the entire tribe what a sneaky little liar you are, and then i'll rip your face off... i'll get back at you for everything you've done to me.

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Ander's Zombies Ch. 6

I want to forget about your sneaky little tricks, i want to forget about my friend attacking me in my living room, i want to go to work and dip my stale donuts in old office coffee, i want to put on a sundress and run through a grassy field, and i _especially

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 25

If he is, he's certainly very sneaky about it; but i doubt it. his complete indifference scares me more than i can describe; had i seen just one glance, i would still believe i have a chance. as it stands, i might as well have ceased to exist.

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The Redeem: Chapter 3

Standing suddenly, i yelled out into the desert "you think you're so sneaky, don't you! i know you're there freak! watching us! i'm not afraid of you! come on out, you coward!"

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Journey to another world pt2 ch55

Use your aura abilities and pinpoint where that sneaky ghost is hiding out.' i said to rena through the link as i continued to look from shadow to shadow. ‘i would not have thought of that. give me a moment.'

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Chapter 7: Plans

It had a...sneaky quality to it, like he was trying to be sly. "my orders are between me and my master." he smiled at his parents. "i'll be fine, trust me. master's no ripfur."

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Journey to another world pt2 ch72

'some-ones trying to be sneaky, and i've got a pretty good idea who.' i turned and faced towards the person who entered and could see the outline of a tallish person standing outside the shower.

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I feel like a sniper, being so sneaky. but this is important. i rub my cold paws together and blow at them. damn, this is nerve wrecking. where did all my courage go?

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 2 - Falling apart

Her nature however was sneaky and cold. she stopped in front of kyurex who turned around to face her. "so...you've evolved...when?" kyurex asked, seeing that she was now a mightyena and not anyore the same size as him. may grinned.

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 22

"i don't like how sneaky you're trying to be." "just some new clothes," zack said, "for you. michelle actually wanted to get you these for your birthday." chance reached for the box, but zack took it away from him, steering him over to the fitting room.

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