Kalistora [Character & Lore Information)
Currently,kalistora is in her unawakened state,meaning she can only shoot lightning and cut through almost anything.
All this news about killing innocent kids at school, movie theater shoot outs in aurora, colorado and most recently a navy yard shoot out...
angry birds part 3
I saw terence meet his demise... by the pigs shooting him with a harpoon. i was gonna cry. but they were gonna shoot caroline so before she got shot, i jumped in front...........carolines pov...........
Reindeer Transformation
shooting star.." she says, surprised. she jumps off her bed, and runs out her room. she goes up to her mother who was applying the lights around the tree. "mommy! i saw a shooting star!" emily said, quite excited.
Party Games
"rock, paper, scissors . . . shoot!" riley's paw was in a fist and rays paw had two fingers jutting out. "rock, paper, scissors . . . shoot!" both chose rock. "rock, paper, scissors . . . shoot!"
The Tomes Of Malderon
Malderon walked over to him and he found out what the prince was shooting at, he was shooting at undead soldiers, a few of the knights were holding them off while prince graymane and a few riflemen shot at them, the foresaken have invaded gilneas, in
Baxley 2
"shut up or i'll shoot", replied the lion. baxley nodded. "okay, i'll shut up, but you have to promise me something." gareth inclined his head. "and what would that be?"
Hypnovember Day 26 - Luck
It was a shooting gallery, still left in the position it had been in when maple's friend lost. all the fowl that they'd managed to shoot had turned towards them, their feathery bodies sparkling with pretty colour.
Chapter 11
Then stay on the left wall, and that should bring you out ahead of them, forcing them to stop, if they don't stop at the sight of you, shoot the boulders behind to close off the canyon" hades answers. "ok.
The Needs of Many v.2
Kihara tightens her fists as she remembered seeing wolves shoot wounded foxes. soldiers who couldn't even fight back. she feels the urge to shoot a wolf but considering the situation, would she be any better than those wolves?
Red Wolves Ep. 1
"i practice shooting every chance i get...
The Journal: Chapter IV
He wouldn't shoot, he couldn't shoot. never! bang. bang. bang. bang. alex regained control over his arm and threw the pistol away. his eyes slowly opened to see the four lying dead in a single pool of blood.