The Big Break
"i wrote and played all of the drum parts that you're learning." lance replied. "then why do you play bass and not drums?" drake asked. "i'm the only person we know who can play a bass, and keyboards, and do it solo."
Volcan's Gaming Discussion (Part 1)
play it for yourself or watch a let's play; either way, you won't be disappointed.
The Unfortunate Musician
They were playing. and they played. and they played. proud and enthusiastic - the whole band played accordingly with their instruments, and hit the chords on time. all was perfection! they had gone on to play through much of the night.
Infamy - Prologue
He was, at the time, into playing runescape, the very first mmo he ever tried playing when he was ten, and was playing it off and on ever since then.
All Too Well
I would sing and he would play the guitar. then i learned how to play the guitar and we would play together. it was fun watching him play.
Poem: Music of dragons
playing, through the day. playing, the sun blinds from far away. playing, the wind blows strong. playing, a soft music with them among.
Helos's Gift
The wood was cold and it seemed as if the instrument had never been played, just like ace had explained to me. "play," ace commanded. i looked at him, puzzled. "play, now," he responded to my silence.
Kitty meets Panda
"yes, because the game was made by a chinese dictator and girls weren't allowed to play," he responded, playing his card. "well it's a stupid game because i beat all of you," she answered, sticking her tongue out and playing a card.
Moonshine and Kitkat
Kara shot back with an equally playful grin, her eyes alight with a playful fire. "you make sure every time is worth it, moonshine," she countered, a hint of playful defiance coloring her words.
{Pokémon/Babyfur} Pikachu's Diapered Days
The yellow-haired raichu says with a playful laugh. "lightniiiiiing, but i wanna play some more!" chase fidgets in his brother's grasp. "we can play some more after breakfast, little bro!"
Lonely Oak Chapter 28
Her arms began to signal, and the tune began to play. timimy seemed to play the hard part, his flute immediately pleasing a hundred ears while gabriella played a basic tempo just like daniel had done.
Chapter 6-The Start of a Good Year
We both perform and once i got to the instrumental part of the song, carlos grabbed a bass and started to play for me. i did not even know that he could play bass but i did not stop playing.