To You
So be you pet, friend, lover or blood, i bid you my sympathy and gratitude for what you must suffer in coming near me.
Gene, the Genial, Substance Lovin' Sheepdog
Gene's a lover and a fighter, being a veteran soldier, an aspiring philosophizer, a slight hedonist and avid fan of ol' mary jane.
Country House
The fox's lover, a young german sheppard, caressed the fox's back while holding him close by the shoulder. both were breathing slowly, warm, and comfortable.
No Real Plans - 3
It's eight thirty two am, and two lovers enjoy a warm breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. a lion and a bear enjoy a warm breakfast in the presence of the one they spent the night with.
I Am
Perhaps rivals, as he brings another, in our trist, now shared, and a third lover. lust, devotion, hot, raw emotion, a tantric twist; hands, tails, legs and wings, i am... satisfied. as three, we indulge in the joy it brings. who?
Open Season Chapter 03: The Meeting
"friends and lovers, eh sis?" i whispered into her ear causing her to start as if goosed in the tush, and quickly looked at gwen, who gave a small nod. "damn, rick. how the... _never-mind,_shoulda known you'd pick up on that.
The Laputan Factor 01
"_ the canid's voice betrayed a great sadness; night could sense his lover shake his head slowly. "come back to me."
A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 36 (The Land of Waves - Part 4)
"you're hurting, you feel like you're to blame for your, friend... lover? getting hurt."
Raiyev Part 13
Everyday, though, he would also wait for a while at the end of the small dirt road for any sign of his lover and dr. frost.
the new guardains chapter two
Once the fires were out cyril and terrador move to the hill were a distraught dragoness is trying to wake her lover, "wake up, spyro please wake up, i love you please don't go, someone help please help", cynder yelled through tears trying to get a response
Razed - Chapter 4
The three lovers all express their warm greetings in an orderly procession as they make it to the door.
I'll hold you like a lover, treasure you like a friend, but if you e'er leave me, you will wish for your life to end.