a rival

"jack, the use of dark magicks and techniques are strictly forbidden!" "err... yeah, sorry." jack said. the blade turned back to normal, and he put it back into the scabbard.

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Lila of the Reptilydes Part 3

It was strictly forbidden for naga's to leave the city and the safety of the wall unless they had expressed permission from the king and an armed guard. something she and her brothers didn't have at that moment.

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Two Worlds: Prologue

That rift came courtesy of the intrepid duo as they sought to understand that which was forbidden. some things should be left alone. the void was and is one of them. when, the "worlds" collided there was chaos.

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Dragons War: Chapter 2

They're forbidden," jacque said in a playful mocking way. "yeah well old friend i have my ways... well anyways your gonna need this if your to go out today," the smith handed over the armour into jacques hands.

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War of empires

The use of magic is absolutely forbidden, and mages are hated." feeling that a biggot like this one is unlikely reformable they got a idea.

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The Homecoming of Daniel Usherswell

He led them down the highway, to the square before the courthouse, onto the square of cobbles, with his eager pack around him, where motor vehicles were all forbidden. and he howled there, "so where is it we're going?

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What are some Kyruku customs?

Typically, the victor will sever one of his foes tails and the matter will be resolved, however, the defeated is forbidden from having the appendage surgically reattached, and is forced to wear the mark of their defeat.

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this is not a stuffed animal

Usually i dream in allegory, in images that represent other things: a snake that is made up of kernels of corn, because it represents the evil eating corn on the cob, ... which you are forbidden because of wearing braces on your teeth.

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Bishop - Kreet 66

It is forbidden on pain of death without royal permission. no, there are watchers here. you're never unseen in the palace. at least, it's best to consider that you aren't." but kreet barely heard him.

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Burdens - Chapter 139: Price

Only time would tell, but if possible, he would at least like to have a bit longer with their forbidden love if it came down to chance. if it did end up being the worst case scenario, at least he wanted to delay it.

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Melancholy Hearts: Chapter Two

The very middle, being the bullseye, was where government workers and other high up officials worked and slept, and being on the rich side of things people like taj where forbidden from going inside it.

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Shadows Meant To Fade

In the same moment they both began something, though not forbidden to them, they would be heavily judged for. fifty years prior to the current day the long night began.

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