Wrong Kind of Marks

She was about to run inside with glee to bask in the glow of equestria's greatest flyer's wall of awards, when rainbow called out to her. "scootaloo... c'mon. tell me the truth."

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Cadence of Memories

If she and the changelings had taken over canterlot and fed off of all of us, then who knows what trouble equestria would be in right now." twilight lowered her head, blushing and smiling. "a-alright, i get it."

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Anon Chapter ONE

"im so sorry, it's just that in the current condition of the palace it doesn't look like how we build our houses in equestria!!" anon stood there still giving the same glare. the small unicorn got confused too, for a moment.

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The Sun's Tears

So i do, celestia, guardian of the solar disk and princess of equestria. will you marry me?" celestia sat this in shocked silence. tears running down her face.



Celestia, guardian of the sun and one of the rulers of equestria was in pain. even as she tried to breath the way she was told, nothing in her long life could have prepared her for this. "you are doing great you highness.

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 7

"rainbow dash, how would you like to work with mercury to design the systems and training procedures that would allow you to become equestria's first astronaut?"

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter the first

"please welcome the fastest flyer in equestria, _rainbow dash_!" i hear the painfully thunderous roar of a cheering crowd as i walk dumbstruck out into the middle of the stage.

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And it was such a good day too

What could she possibly have to say every week to the princess of all of equestria?!?!? what could be so important?! rainbow dash was always trying to make things into competitions.

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A New Land and a New Friend

We are in equestria. you're at my house outside ponyville. well, it's actually just a cottage i stay in while caring for all the animals. my real house is up in cloudsdale but i prefer to be down here."

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Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 1

There, she grabbed the papers showing openings for weather ponies all throughout equestria. she spent an hour looking through them all before she found one she liked: mareapolis.

Lyra's Lesson

"word spreads faster than fire across equestria. by the time i had made it to trottingham, i was despised. everyone thought that i brought the ursa in to destroy ponyville.

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 6

They're like, the best band in equestria! here, let me show you one of my favorites." dusk repositions the needle to the correct position for the song he wants.

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