The Last Dragonboy Chapter 9
"you didn't see me slaughtering and killing when we abandoned our son! you've changed! you are not my dragon mate i used to know!" i started to growl angrily. sweat dripped from my head and i tensed up.
Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter One
I knew that wasn't possible because, 1. how did a baby fox get to the twentieth floor of an abandoned hotel, and 2. since when were foxes born with two tails? i clutched it between two hands, holding it at arm's' length.
The Lead Crown: Ch 8.1b, A Dozen 'Tails' Told
Many of his fellows had taken to wearing the key as a ring, but wiesen had abandoned that when he abandoned the church; the mechanists were no longer what they once were, and he wanted no part in it.
Rebirth ch23
How once i'd been a sick little boy who was born from a druggy mother and an abusive and abandoning father, how a professor had saved my life with a radical/psychotic new procedure, and here i was. "that's one heck of a story.
The Return to Moscow part 2
"here, by the abandoned library! i saw them! i know you have no use for books but there is something here that you might want to see."
Legend of the Five Gears idea exploration (Name Pending)
But to this day nothing can live without horribly twisting in the abandoned, dusty ruins of promethea. but the plans for the celestial fire weapons moved to capitol.
For a friend
Fang shook his head of any excess water that was left as fox handed him his drink for a toast, just as things got good base called about another infestation, this time in the abandoned part of the city where fox killed general pepper and fang vanquished kalkara
Kovu and Mipa: Serpent's Bounty
By the time that they had abandoned the bones of the snake, their wounds had mostly healed, though kovu found that he still had pain in his shoulder which forced him to limp as he walked.
The Tides That Bind Us
And all the time, i wondered why you abandoned me..." mew whimpers, shaking a bit. "i... i should have expected that..." mewtwo takes a breathing sigh, softly, before he hears the sniffles and whimpers of the kitten pokemon.
Life Beyond the Snow: Chapter 1
More abandoned cities that froze along with the vast majority of fur kind? a bunch of bandits that will kill us if they even get the slightest chance? more frozen dumps?
Exiles of Mossflower: Chapter Two
Itazou has abandoned us." the young stoat kit sakura squeaked and sniffled as she tugged on rumiko's kilt, "momma rumiko, i'm scared. i wanna go home!" "i know, dear kit of mine, we all do.
Ragnarok - XXI
Though still within his mind whirled frantically such cries as 'i cannot abandon her,' and 'how can she abandon me, and now?' and 'though i am the proof that death may be merely the gateway to some other world, how many worlds are there?