Jeremy 020; Jump The Rings And Hoops

Their father was happy to hear jeremy had landed what he considered a real job, and would also move in with sam once he started. jeremy wondered if their father had worried about sam. from his relieved reaction he guessed he had.


One Single Day: Wolfess

The largely muscular reptiles easily tore through the rings, claws and teeth moving in what could only be described as a blind fury while the crocs moved in fatal accuracy.

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Razed - Chapter 4

"a few weeks after she moved in i decided, yeah, i'll keep her." she laughs and i grin. "she's been my live-in assistant ever since." she glares daggers into me, smirkingamusedly. "not quite.

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Task Force - Two if by Air

We began moving in the direction of my marker which led parallel to the mayhem luckily and not into it. teague had done an exceptional job of planting those explosives.

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Dividend We Stand

As the confederates slept in their trenches and as the soldiers on duty patroled around the camp, something moved in the shadows cast by the torches next to the commanders tent.


Archer's origin story

At fifteen he moved in with his uncle and aunt, adjusting to new school life was hard and he had the urge for diapers even more.

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Merry Christmas <3 =^-^= <3

in a dance no one can say they remember if it's not what you wanted, if you can, try again differently next december the surroundings may change, the love won't if you try who we were among those around, is a person with truth no one can deny

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Astraifort Estate: June/July news

It is a good indication that the game is moving in the right direction and people wishes to see more. you can be sure that you will have this final release out and about as soon as possible.


Akseli's biography

He made friends with other dragons although he was very unconfident at first, one of them taught him flamethrowe and others came to challenge him to strengthen himself and learn new moves.

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Hello Kitty Accidentally Kicks a Boy

Hello kitty was practicing her karate moves in the courtyard during school recess. "hello kitty! i got something to show you!" hello kitty was so in the zone, she didn't notice someone coming up behind her.

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My transgressions move me through the chaos that is the world i grow and move in and out on a daily basis of which there is no end of struggles and happiness and falls are a common place where my ancestors have gotten up and kept going if only to hit another

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Oggstrosse Part 4 - Final Confrontation?

- if we intervene now it could be bad, we haven't seen oggstrosse's generals, and they could be waiting when we move in.

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