[Commission] The story of Flashpaw: Bonepaw's apprenticeship
Times were hard already as we lacked warriors to hunt. so, they decided to revoke their warrior name. they were once more flashpaw and they were now the shame of riverclan. they were permitted to hunt, but no warrior wanted to accompany them.
WindSwept, Chapter 3
They were only half my size, but damn, those raptor-claws and those long teeth were deadly if they knew what they were doing. and these things were dressed in guard armor...they'd been trained.
Love for Sale: Chapter 13
They were barely comfortable with the luxury they were borrowing for the evening; or rather, they were uncomfortable being borrowed for a luxury. "you alright yana-_chi_?
Chill the swamps and Enter the Altered Chapter 14
Flames were shot into the sky, lighting up the night. vehicles were burning and blowing up. fumes of smoke drifted above.
Venturing: Drop on Ahead
To our surprise, the stairs were all new. shiny and glossy, the stairs looked it had not been used at all. even by the owner who used to own this factory before we drive him out. we were surprised to see that the stairs were still here.
The Risen Curtain - Chapter 2: The Darkest Hour
That meant that there were crashes, cars skidding to avoid hitting each other, and some were being pushed.
Dex and Miles: Wild Force - 2021
There were about a dozen people across the aisle that navigating through would be difficult. most of them were customers adding only candy into their carts, and the few staff members who were restacking the shelves.
Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part Two - “Talvali”, Chapter Twelve: Fragments and Perspectives
They were even more diverse than the number of races he spied. there were a few who looked like ramessin, but with reddish fur. but so many more were of a variety he could never have imagined. most of all, he was amazed at how he fit in.
Vegetables Are Dangerous People
They were visitors, new friends made a week ago. now, they were the hostages who made a poor choice when it came to trusting people. guns were waved and warning shots were fired; signaling the "don't come near here or everyone is dead" speech.
Unstable Future - Chapter 1
Maybe they were trying to flee past the battle dragon and hoped he would be distracted with the airport itself. if that was what they were thinking then they were wrong.
The Winter Wolves I
Tavi had his knife out, and the two of them were backing up towards the tree. the wolves were almost on top of them, now.
Rhysoning With One's Heart- Chapter 2- The Road to Recovery is Always Harsh
It had red dots in most areas, looking at it closely; i realized that the dots were the legendaries were. blue dots were on the map only in sinnoh though. i figured they were the plates were found, or if anything were they might be found.