The Lead Crown: Ch 8.1c, The Great Illusion

In the end, he side-stepped the obvious comment that brother rhys was sitting right next to a true dragon-- that bishop fulgaré was a true dragon, to choose a slightly different line of conversation.

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Lovin' A Feline Chapter 6

true, the rivalry between the two teams might not fully go away, but maybe being enemies wouldn't remain. after all at a few points against the aparoids they had worked together. and true during the anglars a couple times they had fought.

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Lament of the Moon: Burning Embers - Ch0 Prt01

And we all know who the true heir is! the only true lowefang left in our kingdom! master seif! it's what king rour and master panja would have wanted! that is what i truly believe!"

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[SFW] Squirrelly Days #024 - Chyla

He's like a softer squishier version of freone and teran, but not as true to himself. he's a good guy, but being true to yourself is very important to me. lina: what exactly do you mean by, "true to yourself"?

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S1 Ep 36 Karma pt1

Athena screamed showing her true colors on the ship. artemis had a look of fear on his face as amber said "it's artemis onyx moonstone get your facts straight missy!".

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Time left in your hands and that they're all just a bother are their sorrows and struggles to be left to their own heart let them drown in the ocean, as long as you get a good start life is too precious to be wasted on anyone else, surely that's true


Solomon Talks: On The Subject of Diet

Likewise, a "true" or "obligate" herbivore (or herbie) such as our vice president has a body specifically designed to digest plants and plants alone. the true dilemma when it comes to classification lies within omnivores.

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A Patient Death 21: Everyone Talks

"it isn't true. it's a trick. a fucking lie." "it's true." claude said. roland whirled, seizing him by the lapels and slamming him into the interrogation room door. "you don't _know_ him! not like i do!" "roland."

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The Search For You

To ensure me that it's not in vain and when the darkness covers us at night i hold your hand and say what is true the time is now to make things right i still love you

Chapter 15 - Practicalities

true that deadeye trained for years, but without any true battle experiences, there was no telling what was going to happen.

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Interlude 7

Confucius was not wrong when he wrote down this true understanding of what wisdom truly represented, but, if she had to be honest, there was also a fourth element which consolidated the learning of true wisdom: the capacity of appliance.

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The Inside Theory

"it's true, it's true," my theory was right, i screamed, "there is a furry in each of us waiting to come out, & this proves it."

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