Old Wounds (Chapter6, Book8)
Our gods are unique amongst all the gods in the heavens, because they are a manifestation of more than stories told by the theatrical storytellers with clout. they are exemplary towards what you, humans, should strive."
"i'm tanah, traveling minstrel and storyteller." the fox introduced himself., taking a step forward. "taranis, fire mage of the fourth circle." replied tiger shaking his hand. tanah's eyes widened as he heard that. he looked at ashala.
Sing In Me, Holy One, and Through Me
But she knew what it meant the way a poet or a storyteller knows what their tale means before they begin the struggle to put it into words, and after the best they can do has failed to fully express it.
Unknown Waters
He was a very good storyteller too, so adrian always tried to encourage him to tell one. "don't talk with your mouth full, boy," the man chided him before placing a sharp black claw against his chin as he contemplated which story to tell.
Operation Field Trip: Part 1
"but they think i'm some kind of amazing storyteller with original ideas! i've never made anything up in writing! just reported the facts for a paper." tony flailed his arms.
Follow-Up Interview
The following is a story set in the [fba](https://www.fba-wiki.net/index.php/main_page) shared storytelling universe, and is a continuation of an ongoing story centring on the character [lauren fash](https://www.fba-wiki.net/index.php/lauren_fash
Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 1
The seviper only snickered and said in its hissed-rasp of a tone "you seem quite the storyteller. those are a lot of marks on your pelt, what's left; perhaps you may... comfort yourself with a tale or two?"
Ill Mind Of Bartan
'storyteller' most of you assume i am." noises in question as the rat attempted to adjust between them. "not to break up your confession, but i'm getting a little uncomfortable here."
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 1
"and people say that battles are worth remembering" ignus' hoarse laugh filled the balcony of a big house, its stony walls perfectly matching the coloristic of the district it was located in with a cheerful cackle the storyteller, who was an old earth dragon
Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 20
Chris began in a quiet, storytelling tone. "ask anyone, and they would tell you it was a place of pure perfection, spotless and bright, like a beacon of heaven itself, right here on our little earth!
The Lion Has Landed
"you're the storyteller," the lion grinned at me.
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 4 FInal
It was some great storytelling, one which sounded too fantastical to be true. but the captains and sailors were far from contradicting the tale they were told.