The story of 'Us'
They held each other close, fitting into each-others arms and bodys like that was their place to be, like a lost puzzle piece found its match in the scary outside world. they let the storm pass. when they looked up, they were wrought with grief.
Life's Key
The end of your journey is that final key to life; that final piece of the puzzle you have spent your life trying to get. "you know what?" the grandfather said quietly to the grandchild, who bent in closer to listen to his faint whisper.
Tales of Shadowheart chapter 4
It was a bit of a shock, and quite puzzling to see how comfortable she appeared to be. he tapped her nose a few times. "hey," he whispered,"wake up." after a few attempts, she finally gave a response, slowly opening her eyes.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 15
Now all that was left was that puzzling ache in his head... the snow was too bright. it took the sunlight and threw it back into his eye like a barrage of needles.
Pride Podcast
"oh wow sydney, i thought you were meant to be the smart one" chase sarcastically, "so you can solve puzzles but you don't know what the streisand effect is?" "give me a break liberal, don't you have history to revise?"
Raiyev Part 9
Different strands of seemingly random chemicals were slowly collected in an order that gradually made more and more sense, like fitting together pieces of a huge genetic puzzle, until finally...
The Chronicles of Floofington Hills chapter 1
"puzzling out how to avert a disaster." skippy jumped up and held his head. "oh no! has rutherford taken another sick day?" "no, no. i'm afraid this is a little more complicated than our over reliance on a single town crier."
Agents of C.O.W.- Prologue
Why they stuck said field agent on a simple transport job was kind of puzzling, but in a way the cowgirl welcomed it. she'd seen a lot of action and been in a lot of hairy situations since joining c.o.w.
MTG Echo Crossover Thingie
Not so much sydney, who just wanted to have fun, be a wrestler, eat spicy food, solve puzzles, listen to "butt rock" music. both were ultimately hedonists, but they did love their friends deeply, each other especially as they were best friends.
Filling the Void - Chapter One
"aw mom," he wuffed, the puzzle momentarily forgotten. his mother reached through the maternal bond they shared as she tugged the straps taut across his young body.
All Things Quiet And Sweet 15 - You Created This, James
Now he could finally figure out one long-winded puzzle, which he really wanted to get out of the way.
Windows to the Soul - chap. 1-2 - by Skyfox
Her only real motivation, besides being done with it, was her love of solving problems like a challenging puzzle. she felt satisfaction in such work, one of the few reasons she kept the job for two years.