For Your Paws Only - Prologue
The polite pre-teen said before pointing to the puma, who was rocking the baby and giggling with it. "that's belinda, and the hare is charlie. the cougar doing wheelies to impress you is darwin.
William's Gift
William Adler was a lot of things in life. A sheriff, a detective. A pragmatist, a cynic. A Native, trying to make himself useful to the colonizers. A man who married and had children to fit in, denying his own heart. Most of all, he was a coward...
The Rooftop Muse
The tom, guitar case in paw, stood by the bed and gazed down at the young puma who lay before him.
In view of how the puma (shane, he recalled) had responded to the comment, the equine wasn't at all sure how the cat would react.
Beware of Cougars!!
#2 of beware of cougars story frist part of the frist chapter to flesh out the story. beware of cougars ch1 by jimcat78 sky was looking at star as he slowly regained consciousness.
Taunted (Chapter 6 of my YuGiOh series)
The first eight there will be in the finals roster," it spoke before the holoimaging faded, drawing odd looks from the cougars. "that was drake who i just beat.
Ch 10 Bonds Part 3; Unwanted Attention
Lliam didn't hold the cougar there long, with but a flick of his eyes he was sent flying out towards the open area of the station.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #18- Circles Within Circles
Yet you and your players continue to act humble about their success, with maybe ain iannizzi (cougar, f, wil) being the only exception. but you need to show more of ain's swagger, and not feign ignorance of your team's prowess."
Outcast - Chapter 24
Hearing it from the cougar was surreal, as though i was watching myself from a distance. my senses knew the truth but it still didn't feel...well...true.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 106: Something Happened On The Way To Heaven- We Found Another Heaven
The puma said to the brown otter girl. "they do tend to get excessive around here." "may i interest this young miss to a dance?" the puma asked. "yeah, i would like that."
Zootopia: Brave New World - New Jobs
The cougar groaned as he shifted his body on his sleep. "alex, wake up." the voice called him again, this time closer and more insistent. "just five more minutes..."
Mage ch 11
He looked around, searching for the cougar. "yo, yin yang!" a familiar voice greeted from down the hall, answering the husky's question.