The Cat's Stroll 17

This was easy to tell, as the terrain was more jagged, with elevated rock formations and even more thriving vegetation.

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Sacred Chapter 6: Welcome to the Jungle

Quickly, he swung upwards causing his own plants to erupt from beneath him. moving upwards, he continued to cut down any obstacle that made its way towards him.

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Thirteen Karmic Tales: Eleventh Tale

There were flowers that nick was fairly certain he hadn't even planted. vines grew out around the flowers, many of them curling above them as if clinging to invisible poles in the air.

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Shattered Pact: Ch5 Entrance

#3 of shattered pact small flowering plants crawled past, then dissap... small flowering plants crawled past, then dissapeared out of sight.

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EHC - Chapter 1

With a struggle, i sat up and wiped both sweat from the humidity and dew that had dropped onto my face from the ferns surrounding me and then brushed the dirt and dead plant matter from my jumper.

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Something is wrong in the world today. Part 2

He was tired of today already and he slowly drifted off into sleep. ~\*~ the next morning kenzi woke up very early so he could water the plants and keep his promise but be able to not see her.

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Mm - Pp)

There are some magi that become so powerful they cannot contain their magick entirely, this takes form in many ways, plants dying, animals rot alive from a single touch and many others.


Return of herm ideology + Bigpip and the candy factory

They planted corn, candy producing plants, healroot, cotton and glowing transforming plant. when this was done a ship has sailed to the atoll and 3 ponies came out. "my emperor, we were looking for you. what are you doing on this unmarked atoll?"

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Fennix race sheet part 1 (defense and survival)

They can also consume fruit, or plant matter like grass. the latter (plant matter, not fruit) however can't satisfy the hunger of a fennix, it can merely serve as fuel for its abilities.

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Twisted Night: chapter 19

Panic replaced guilt as she spun around, nosing at every strange bush and plant she could find. where had it gone? how could she lose it in the confusion? she found nothing but overturned earth and ravaged plants. "nothing." she grumbled bitterly.

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._ _strange plants grew all around,_ _i myself stood on a tower in a tree_ _pieces of vines stood still in the air,_ _gravity seemed distorted._ _the place had been warm, and i felt serene,_ _when suddenly a cold wind arose_ _i looked up

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The Hardest Hunt

With a fresh set of bullets firmly planted into the magazine well of my assault rifle, i readied to defend myself. stock planted against my shoulder, finger on the trigger, i heard a familiar sound from behind.

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