Iros; Day 1
#3 of feathered memories any comments or questions are greatly appreciated, though please be civil about them. thank you and enjoy with the end of the great war over three hundred and sixty seven years ago.
Completely normal expectations
There were too many people and directions and places and memories and they were all intermingling. he didn't know where he was, if he was somewhere at all. rliegfhtt, rliegfhtt. "you were never at a bar watching a hypnosis stage show.
It had been many years since daggi had entered this room and she had many fond memories of time spent with her grandfather here.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 41: Separation
I missed my family, my whole and complete family, existing in long-ago memory. i missed the sunny memories of my childhood. also sunny was the memory weeks ago in the farmhouse when i ate oatmeal with shadow.
Radioactive Toy (or The Post-Apocalypse Pygmalion)
A memory shuffled to the front of his mind and he could hear himself almost breathe out the word 'zero.' with some care, he stood up and made his unsteady way to the horse.
Chapter Three: A Painful Memory
A memory, nothing more, and she was instead strapped face down to a row of flight seats on board the stealth transport jet that the team had used to escape the bombing of the resistance. "jade?" a voice said, "jade, can you hear me?"
A Dream Chp: 7 Memories
#7 of a dream chp: 7 memories folvos's pov i see his hand reach up to my head, and as i watch his hand get closer i feel memories come flooding back too me. i'm at a party, a new year's party by the looks of it.
Kijani Memories: FCAA Tournament
Kijani memories: fcaa tournament it's the fourth quarter. the score is 65 to 67. florida midwest university was in the lead and playing at their home court. they were hosting furry state university.
Burned Memories (Part 3)
#2 of burned memories part 3 finally completed, should have part 4 done in a couple weeks.
Burned Memories (Part 2)
#3 of burned memories another upload ready, and as always please fav, vote and comment. lucien woke up to the sound of chris screaming loudly and hands being forced against his back.
Burned Memories (Part 1)
#1 of burned memories so the past couple weeks have made me a little preoccupied so i haven't been able to finish any new parts of the other series yet, but i hope this makes up for it.
Memories (Chapter 3, book8)
"i can't remember where _my_ memories start and hers end! it's all mixed up, now! i don't have her help to determine which memories were mine from before!" "you having trouble differentiating?"