To Touch The Sky Chapter 4: Homeward Journeys
And here is a chapter 4 I found constructed of parts written during several different time periods. I think this one would be the strangest for me to read as far as to see how my writing has changed over five years. In any case, this shall be the...
Shadow's Free
They had to kidnap professor stein. "great just breaking into the acadamy is going to be difficult" shadow said. within the hour free and shadow were heading out to death city.
Digimon Darkness Chapter 10
Vilemon had kidnapped him! and i had no clue where they went! i was completely useless.... wyatt: terriermon.... how had they opened that portal?
End of My World 6 (final)
Mase has been the victim of a kidnapping! the culprit, who else but the ever so stalkery mark goodwolf! \>oh noes again! da rollz gets torched in a ditch and gets found by the police as a million dollar marshmallow roasting inferno.
Pet training chapter 3
I was confused, did roxain really like me enough to kidnap me. as i looked around i noticed that roxain and her guest were finishing thier conversation. i rush over to sit by the door and as i sit down, i hear the sound of roxain closing the door.
Fishy Rumors
"why did you kidnap me and my friend?" tiran huffed out still winded from being dragged through the village. "is it really kidnapping? i sent my men out to bring you here because you came to the forest searching for us."
So Help Me God
Zack wasn't kidnapped by squall and none of the consequential events that took place after were all false. he wanted too gravely for that to be true; but it wasn't.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.04: Enter the Lowefangs - Ep.05
For a second back there, she thought he was one of the bad guys and wanted to kidnap her. although, being kidnapped by this steaming hunk wouldn't be such a bad idea, her mind toyed. "awesome! is he around?!"
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Nine
It hadn't even been twelve hours since mom had been kidnapped by a demon, and here i was relaxing in the cushiest bed i'd ever felt.
my story
Fireflash: she was kidnaped by the lightning pack , they tried to kill her.
back to Beauty and the Beast!
She found the rose case but it was only a freaking trap as the guy kidnapped belle and leap through the air like a circus acrobat !
You Can't Hide It Forever - Part 6
They were probably going to kidnap your ass or try to blackmail me!" at the mention of kidnapping, cassandra's eyes widened. "well... oh fuck i don't know! dammit david!" the turned away from me and looked at the lot around us.