Blackest Heart chapter one

She protests the mage merely responds "yet" then retreats into his study a door way not even his most devoted students dare to traverse. angrily she exhales a small plume of flame "gods you old fool why cant you ever give me a straight answer!"


The Last Dragonboy Chapter 1

Stephen is one of those super devoted christians that goes to church every sunday. "ezekiel, don't you think this dragon obsession is unhealthy? you don't even act normal because of those comics.

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Window idle, with sunken eyes beckoning my lessons were of emotional control the fundamentals of bending others' will casting strings of invisible silk to not rid the world of its permanent ink stain but to change it to my own favorite hue i devoted

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File #3 - "Echoes"

He knew the basics but lacked the specialisation of somebody that had devoted their life to scientific pursuits. "meaning what?" he asked, craning his head behind him to look at his science officer.

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MTG Echo Crossover Thingie

Flynn, ever annoyed that syd was almost slavishly devoted to another person, mused on his own hypocrisy, as he'd do the same for carl. speaking of carl, all where in his mansion, on the couch, drinking beards and watching shitty porn.

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The Battlefield (part A)

In its time, the decc was a huge multicomplex devoted to plays, concerts, and conventions, sort of duluth's answer to the hollywood bowl. after the war, however, it just became a pile of rubble, a large platform resting over lake superior.

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The Magic Inside Him: Chapter 1

When he sets his mind to something, he devotes everything he has to it until the job is done. it sometimes gets him into trouble, but he's just stubborn like that. i guess it's a wolf thing.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 8: Fyrin the Expelled

Though such services were available to the dwarves, their devotion to lumine, the lightweaver, and their pride made it difficult for them to seek outside help.

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Dance of the Dying Feathers

It was this devotion to pleasing others that led him to this abandoned, cobweb-riddled temple. to pick up a mask of old times, and to dance the old dance. the saraband vermeil.

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A simple story I ( 20/22 )

It's just in front of the elevator. » mark politely thanked the hostess but she had forgotten the existence of the rott, captured by a phone call in which she devoted all her attention.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Twenty

Countless historians had devoted their lives to recording the knowledge the keeping fire had held, and once it burned out of sarah's system it would be gone forever.

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Vargothen's Origins

And he was as devoted to nature, his gods, and elysium, as strong as ever. vargothen soon desired to expand beyond the small portion of the western heartlands, learning what he could of the rest of the sword coast.

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