Merciless ch. 2
All of these men and women are the bosses personal guard. there where last seen dealing weapons near l.a., california.
The Back Room 3: Fang Lightwind
Theres a new guy tonight boss. a good looking tiger, but of course, he didn't notice me, i'm just a bouncer after all."
Out Back
"as of today, i'm not your boss. you're getting promoted to your own department xav. we found a replacement for you, so you get to move up.
Zootopia - Trying to move on - Chapter 2: Consequences
The ferret felt very small, way smaller than he already was compared to his boss.- give me the names. the smaller mammal swallowed before answering.- judy hopps and nicholas wilde. they are unmistakable. a bunny and a fox.
Chapter 3: Team Rocket Admins and love?
The boss told me tell you two, something is happening in this world, something big that made even the boss worry, and to tell you to look out for a girl name april, she will help you become more powerful!
The Stray Cat, Ch. 11
The boss wants to see him."
Adept Paws 3: Faerrets!
"this is just my thought, boss..." the leopardess cooed, tail coiling in an amused way. "but i say we take her." the badger lost his glower, confusion filling his face. "what? you can't be serious." "why not, toskun?
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 40: Overflowing
"he won't but my boss sure will." red wolf chuckled a bit and put his phone away--yeah he had been talking with the german shepherd while typing on his phone. "i'm starting to question if your boss hasn't told you off by now."
The Time Lord Part 1
My boss was a stickler for people being at work on time, anyways my boss has nothing to do with what happen next. i was walking down mass. ave. in cambridge too work when i had to stop at a walk light.
I am looking forward to seeing you again boss. sincerely, oscar,
Welcome to Equestria chapter 7
Muffin stayed to talk to her boss for a while longer, but told me to go meet the others at the usual where her and derpy usually ended on a successful day of work. directional skills, don't fail me now.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 09: Pour ‘n Co
Do i need to meet the boss?" the rhino smiled at him. "come tomorrow at 16. i'll tell the boss and he'll tell you more details of the job." "do i need to bring something like some paperwork or stuff?" "just your cv." "nice, rhine!"