Unlikely Alliance Chapter 10

I have no clue how long we will all be together and be our own trainers or what circumstances will our group cease to be but i am sure that when that happens i'll likely be a completely different person. "although..."

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Navigating in a Changed World - Prolog: News of a Changing World

It cannot be helped, once they have their own view of how things work, and it just cannot be helped." he spoke.

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Unlikely Alliance- Chapter 15

Not only have i never seen such a small pokemon being used to carry the backpack but to have so many normal pokemon being left outside of their balls.

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Azerite Lore Dump 1

Only females will be born under the hunter - if a male was to be born, they will not survive.


Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 18

"for such an attack to be successful, the attack must be unexpected, which it would be since it would, basically, violate tradition, and it must be overpowering.

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Blade Tail- End of Tour

Jarvis may not be the most gentle of golems, but he will do a rather thorough enough job. in the mean time he should go and get a good bite to eat. it might be the last bit of imp made food he'll be given for a while.

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Transformed Struggles- 5

Most of the other thener seem to be lying down in groups of two to four and facing each other. all have completely red fur and none seem to be anywhere near what could be considered a shadow.

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Unsung Guardian

I know that at least a few will be able to adapt to the change very quickly and be almost as accurate after only a few shots. still it is a measure that must be taken to maximize my chances. "you cannot.

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Commission: The Hunter (Shadow Run Commission)

This canine wasn't going to be deterred, but the white fox wasn't going to be his target, not first.

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The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch2 - Survival

It pays to be prepared. that and i also talked to those that entered here before so i would be prepared."

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Hunting Death- Leaving Town

I can't shake the feeling of several some thing's constantly watching us and to be perfectly frank i'll be glad to be done with this town. towns are such a nuisance. too many people in too close a proximity.

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Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 11

You will be tasked with defending all of these empires if given the instruction to do so. and you'll be expected to be able to work with members of other races on a fairly regular basis.

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