Chapter 5

_ i couldn't help but think about it since my four friends from high school went our separate ways in the military when we graduated high school. i checked my m4a1, making sure it was loaded and clean.

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Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt1

That was be a great way to start high school, being outed and publically shamed... would she do that to him?

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Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 6

My record in high school was zero...but maybe i have improved..." alex said negatively, his attitude towards himself getting worse as the exercise regiment from hell continued.

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A Series of Moments 1

It was high school all over again. except this wasn't high school, it was real life. standing in the middle of the coffee room, exposed to any quackwerks employee that happened to wander by, was not an ideal place for a kiss.

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From End to Beginning

Josh was only seventeen when he graduated from high school, but it only bothered him just a smidgen.

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How I found my true self.

school second year in college, and lovin it.

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Tennesee Campaign

I couldn't help but think about it since my four friends from high school, including my cousin, cailean, all went our separate ways in the military when we graduated high school. come to think about it, we all skyped a day before the attacks started.

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Ep1-Nathan's Story-The Tamers of shadow

It wasn't until nathan the main protagonist, a 17 year old high school student, discovers this secret and wants to set things right. the story takes place in soul city california, (which is los angeles in the magic timeline).

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Chapter 4- Stepping off on the wrong foot

The school was james logan high school, the biggest band in the state. our school was clovis west and we were the smallest one there. "now in second place, with a score of 93.5 i repeat 93.5. - really long pause- james logan high school.

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Kireihana high school is a government-owned high school in japan, especially from the fact that he was accepted there as a scholarship student 4 months ago.

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Luca's Story Ch. 9

"francis harris high school is now under a great amount of scrutiny and investigation into this matter of your status as a transgendered student. particularly, we are under fire from the school board and the high school athletic association.

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Today was the day when i had to go to my new high school. but, i dragged myself out of bed anyway, or else my parents would get me up anyway. i got in the shower. while i was in the shower, i looked at myself.

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