"The Thin Line, Part JJ

Instead of turning back to home, i turned a little to the north, and to the little path through the swamps.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 4

The initial conflict report from the 12th eagles brigade of old wyoming is as follows: _"the 1st lance of n.a.f. wad directed to make a push into the swamp city of mayatempo.

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And then there was Franclin

They got the satisfaction of knowing that their perpetrator would suffer (though they didn't realize for how long), society was safer with a wicked sadist off the streets, the sadist in question was getting treatment instead of being killed and dumped in a swamp

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The Waters of Caladan

Lakes birthing great rivers that cut through forest, jungle, meadow and swamp alike rushing to the great mother sea. water is life and death on caladan. for it births the eternally fruitful gardens and the ever growing savage forest.

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Chapter 1: Enter the jackal

Rain came crashing down through the leaves, turning the dirtroads into a muddy swamp. a flash of lightning illuminated the sky, and shortly after the roaring thunder could be heard. another lightningbolt struck, only this time without making a sound.

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dark gurdien chapter 1.txt

Dark green shorts like the moss on top of a bubbling swamp tied with two fire red belts wrapped round them on a diagonal slant. towards the bottom of his legs but slightly about the ankle were bandages wrapped tightly around his fur covered legs.

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Lon3Wulf - Born from sin

I surprised myself for how long i walked in this jungle, cutting through the foliage and walking through bogs, swamps and rivers. hell, i already droned out the noises of caws and chirps that filled the atmosphere.

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None of us are free, if one of us are chained.

Vultures were still fighting over the scraps, with ditches full of putrid liquid just standing there like a fowl swamp. our leader "sargent bull" the toughest and most loyal to his troops sargent leaned against a tree, nearly passing out.

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Providince Crumbling towers Chapter 2

They where now far under the ground now, the hollow was vast it supporting a cloud system rain forests large plains swamps and even a sea the despaired into the fog off distinct sight all was lit by massive growth off magical glowing crystal formed in a share

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Triumph toward dawn

Triumph toward dawn) chapter:1 (into the black) its was a peaceful day in a small town on the edge of the country of anthrica as 6 small cubs where playing near a swamp


Egg Therapy

Replaced with dreams of adventure, exploring a giant swamp, making a huge splash jumping into the water, scaring the birds... and when he awoke... he was still safely in heloise's arms.

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Harland 01

He'd never dreamed of being in a movie, everyone knew that kids from the swamp didn't grow up to be actors, they became criminals or dead.

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