610 Viewpoint Like A Missile
The situation has an edge of the distinctly surreal, going swimming in what is essentially an armoured bikini in the light of a glorious sunset from hell as the rain batters down torrentially, getting in her eyes, intruding with sufficient force to disrupt
A simple story I ( 3/22 )
And hear him say "please" was something surreal, even scary. « i'm not sure that you get something being alone, gruff. » the latter looked at the fj with surprise in his eyes.
On the Grape-Vine
Fluttering occasionally to the ground, they made the trip a little surreal, if not exquisite. they had assisted, too, in his helping the cousins of the foster village that was so diligently training him in their ways of hunting.
A Bleak Outlook (Part 1 of 2)
It began to occur to him just how surreal his scenario was: a coal-black bat, with blood red hair and a voice pull of passion trying to seduce him... it was as if he were talking to veritable incubus.
Gesture - Zerrif 1
I agree with how tangible his thoughts feel, and yet how surreal or nonexistent it seems in today's society. we'd improve a whole lot if we followed what he wrote about-- especially that panda."
In the Negative: Chapter 3
It felt almost surreal to her, coming home to an empty den, for he was always there to greet her with a smile and a kiss, even on his worst days when his sleep had been haunted by nightmares, and it wasn't until now that she realized just how much she missed
In Real Life
The moonlight gave her a rather eerie look, almost a surreal one. "do you know me," she asked of him. his eyes fell upon the marks on her body that patterned her scales. they were not red and they did not glisten.
Another Love Story: Chapter 4 - "I still can't believe it..."
This seemed too surreal to be reality. i never expected to meet someone so deep and philosophical in such a short day. "you're amazing. and i barely knew you today." his voice echoed in my head. he smiled and the butterflies came back.
Across the rift 1-2
The situation was just too surreal. "i wasn't going to kill you; i was just having a little fun." sean snorted in disgust at this. "who are you? what are you doing here?"
Fates of the Ferals: Madness
What she was watching was surreal. her friend's eyes were glazed over with a kind of hysteria she had never seen before, and he was emitting ear-piercing screams. she had never seen a creature in such a state of despair. ms. weaver's lips tightened.
The Academy - Remembrance
It was a surreal moment standing there amongst people who i had known, listening to a priest talk about my life. it broke my heart to see traci.
Goodnight, Winston
He got to his desk and stared out the open window, a surreal cold breeze wafting in as the shutters billowed back and forth. he took in a deep breath of the air and felt it crush his soul.