Final Strike
Rights were stripped and slave owners resumed forced breeding. on november 11, 111m, a brutal virus was released during a world morph rights rally in harstlein that killed over three thousand morphs in four days.
Evac Day +102
It was practically stripped to the bone. luckily my flare gun was still taped under the seat where i had left it, so i suppose not everything was taken. just a lot of it. i guess i'll have to start over again.
Understanding Wreck (Otherwise Untitled)
~ with a soft groan, the badger pulled a yellow cardboard cone from his toolbag and held it to his muzzle by pulling the elastic strip back around his head.
A Dragon's Darkness
It has shredded his wings, stripping him completely of flight and has also dulled his claws, leaving them blunt and weak.
Races of Mundus-Felion
** ** **physiology** resembling humanoid cats and lions they have a brown fur color with ether browner strips or spots pattern and fur at the tip of their tail.
Vignette 1: Pink Underneath
Even so, the stripping 'coon caught their interest. "so deck! this babe is losing those extra layers." "i'm gonna say raccoon like raqoon. that's so deck." "deck. like what's that underneath?"
Dog Cracking
A strip of tape over his eyes blinded him and he was stripped to his underwear, bare fur touching the cold tiles beneath him. as he rose to consciousness and his strength returned he began struggling on the hard floor.
Dog Cracking
A strip of tape over his eyes blinded him and he was stripped to his underwear, bare fur touching the cold tiles beneath him. as he rose to consciousness and his strength returned he began struggling on the hard floor.
The Beginning Of Xrohne Part 2 Chapter #1
After he had field stripped the rifle and removing the gas cylinder he removed the butt plate and proceeded to take the stock off, taking each step carefully until he had taken the full stock of the rifle out.
Watch Dogs 9 - Back into Hell
A rolling voice bellowed across the astral plane, i saw the mind-leech recoil from the voices direction, i was a shell, all motivations, all loyalties, all desires stripped out of me by the mental combat going on inside my head, but i still had the gun, so
First Meeting
Those herbs you sniffed earlier basically stripped away your baptism. that and the noises you are hearing are the sounds of the earth. i call it the song of mother terra. it can be quite peaceful once you get used to it."
Chapter One
The trees are stripped bare as november's warm embrace leaves, and december's cold fingers grasp the climate. it sends chills throughout the trees evident by the dead and decaying leaves on the ground.