Avian: A web serial
This series will be going by a weekly basis, at least 1 per week as long as my schedule permits. so yeah, i hope you all enjoy and please leave your critiques!
Gone and Come Home Ch.4
"we scheduled you with a doctor for later today, to see about your fractures. we have a few minutes before we have to go, lets get you downstairs. up we go."
Fanning The Flame
 â â "kewl," he nodded then asked, "what's today's schedule again?" â â â i sifted through what i could remember of the finals week schedules they had posted.
Past, Present, and Future
"ah, you know how his schedule is, usually on a friday, he's stickin' around for the regulars and night crawlers who usually give him a big tip when they're there."
Play Me a Song Ch: 2
I've got a busy schedule until the holidays are over; school and work are tough to juggle." i say giving a half smirk. he stood up and extended his hand to me. i shook his hand and he left looking back at me for a moment.
Shouting at the Forest - 0x00
Sticking to a schedule was the easiest way to befriend one, and breaking that schedule was a sure way to get on one's bad side. kurn hoped rkax liked him enough to renew their friendship after the job was done.
School for Heroes - Vuoritorni
Sorry if i can't take the time out of my schedule of tracking apex - so that he doesn't murder people - so that you, alexander, would get to meet me.
Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Eight
Of course, that happiness only lasted so long as i could distract myself from the literal wiz kid who, by no suspicious means at all, somehow ended up with the exact same class schedule i had.
Jeremy 003
Sam was suddenly not with them at the academy but had the same schedule as their parents. they were coming to realize they lived in a bubble around the school.
Dangerous Play - Chapter Two: Professional Foul
He said with a smile, "need your schedule i bet?" thomas nodded, and andrew disappeared into the busy administrators behind him.
Someone's fucked up the manifest, though, and for the first time ever, she's scheduled to return home solo, empty bird - no crew or cargo.
(no title yet)
I traced my paw across the map trying to find the school office so i could pick up my schedule and finally get to class. "hmm.. looks like homeroom is a few buildings down.." i mumbled to myself looking up. 'you'd better get there quick.