Chapter 3: Back to school
Or were you both bathing with one of your mum's dresses" a husky voice said, the voice belonged to sam who chuckled to himself "nice one sam" alex said chomping down on another stick of gum, laughing a little.
Jeremy 076; The Cat
sam said. "its not like i haven't seen everything before." jeremy stopped suddenly undecided and turned to reply but paused. in looking back he finally noticed sam was in nothing but his fur as well.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #18- Circles Within Circles
sam laughed himself. "no kidding. is mr. lott always doing that?"
Fish and Lilypad
sam and whitecap looked at each other with surprise. "i guess that's a good idea. what do you think sam?" whitecap asked. "i want her to be able to read and write properly." sam thought for a moment.
Titans of the World II: Humpty Dumpty(edited)
"right away," sam replied before walking away. "stop! you're covered in filth. clean first." "roger that," sam said before he tromped off to a decontamination room.
A Dark Night
His hand went out quickly and grabbed sam's shoulder. her shoulder went cold and numb, the feeling leaving her body. she was left alone with only the sound of her breathing and beating heart.
Blessing Day: Part 2
"this is sam, and sam's parents." his dad approached first, shuffling his wide frame between the table and the armchair facing it. "name's viktor. great to meet ya, sam." standing tall like he did wasn't the only thing to throw me off.
Furs on Tour - Friday
sam's ferocious growl ripped through the echoing stairwell and i finally opened my eyes. lindsey was standing over me, arm raised, being restrained by an irate sam. "just what the fuck do you think you're playing at?" sam spat into her ear.
Strange Times, Ch. 1 & 2 - Arrest & Escape
"my name is jackson but call me j, and this is my older brother samson but call him sam." sam was staring at lucas, and it was kind of freaking him out. sam finally noticed this and said, "sorry about that lu.
He soon took us down i which made sam and i go flying out of the plane just as we were about to put on our chute which they were all like ",sam!! matt!! thankfully optimus soon rescued us as he said ",sam! matt! no! hold on you guys i'm coming.gotcha!
S1 C1 E2 "You And Me"
The mate was sam, a fox, just like troy. slim, but having no skills in the arts of mind craft. sam knew what troy had said was a joke, he laughed, "yes, indeed!"
Some Lifetimes Are Like That
sam purposely spit in a glass and slowly swished the towel around inside it. "nope. i take it you overheard him mention a couple of girl names." "yeah. they sounded kind of pretty." "i'll tell you what.