Chapter 3: Fortitude and Bravery
_ _will i be able to stay true to my resolution? do i? in fact, have the ability to do so?_ _we do not know any of the answers we seek.
Equine Guilt
Quickly glancing behind me to make sure she hadn't slipped off when i wasn't paying attention i was met with the sight of her walking resolutely behind me watching where i placed my feet for ease of movement.
Raiyev Part 17
She looked resolute, and raiyev, for the first time in what felt like years, smiled again. "okay then," he said. "let's go."
Vengeance Set 1 (1-5)
He found a high resolution pic of renamon's cloves close up. he then matched the color on his pallet and began shading the cgi cloves. matt: man this will be awesome! after a month of work she's finally done! if only she was real.
Shoplifter Prevention Misfire
"if the customer is not satisfied with this resolution, you can offer them a second coupon. they may not be combined. note, that once the security system has placed its curse on someone no one other than the store owner can reverse it.
Rose- The Special
But i must stand resolute. i must continue to give the impression i know what i'm doing, even if i do not. once gathered up we're put into special containers and that begins to move on its own, probably to our end destination.
The Sky That's Never Blue
He was strong, but his resoluteness wasn't active all the time. i was helping him through his transformation, learning as much as i could about the process, hoping nothing would go wrong.
Lord of arms- Chapter 1
_ will thought resolutely, hiding the package. he knew from experience that his parents would destroy whatever was in the package; they burned everything arthur owned, and all things that reminded them of him, such as photos.
Leviathan 06: The Small Things
._ "okay," he says, startled at how resolute his voice sounds. he doesn't feel resolute, he feels like a bag of jelly. "okay, i can do that. if you promise he won't find out." "that's it my boy, you're a brother now."
Rexville Ch 10
"look here, for example, the quality is of 2592 by 1944 of resolution while the videos are just 640 by 480. i knew this was a simple cheap camera, but it still does impresses me." "when did you get this camera?"
Para-Imperium Technology
These twins could communicate instantly to each other across light-years it turned out, unfortunately their resolution was poor, most only manage to get across feelings or sensations, a few very lucky pairs have managed to send images.
Hail, the Living Legend - Tale 2
Nevertheless, as for the friends in question who resolutely followed samandra, she knew very well that they were old enough to take care of themselves.