Chapter 3: Fortitude and Bravery

_ _will i be able to stay true to my resolution? do i? in fact, have the ability to do so?_ _we do not know any of the answers we seek.

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Equine Guilt

Quickly glancing behind me to make sure she hadn't slipped off when i wasn't paying attention i was met with the sight of her walking resolutely behind me watching where i placed my feet for ease of movement.

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Raiyev Part 17

She looked resolute, and raiyev, for the first time in what felt like years, smiled again. "okay then," he said. "let's go."

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Vengeance Set 1 (1-5)

He found a high resolution pic of renamon's cloves close up. he then matched the color on his pallet and began shading the cgi cloves. matt: man this will be awesome! after a month of work she's finally done! if only she was real.

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Shoplifter Prevention Misfire

"if the customer is not satisfied with this resolution, you can offer them a second coupon. they may not be combined. note, that once the security system has placed its curse on someone no one other than the store owner can reverse it.

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Rose- The Special

But i must stand resolute. i must continue to give the impression i know what i'm doing, even if i do not. once gathered up we're put into special containers and that begins to move on its own, probably to our end destination.

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The Sky That's Never Blue

He was strong, but his resoluteness wasn't active all the time. i was helping him through his transformation, learning as much as i could about the process, hoping nothing would go wrong.

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Lord of arms- Chapter 1

_ will thought resolutely, hiding the package. he knew from experience that his parents would destroy whatever was in the package; they burned everything arthur owned, and all things that reminded them of him, such as photos.

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Leviathan 06: The Small Things

._ "okay," he says, startled at how resolute his voice sounds. he doesn't feel resolute, he feels like a bag of jelly. "okay, i can do that. if you promise he won't find out." "that's it my boy, you're a brother now."

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Rexville Ch 10

"look here, for example, the quality is of 2592 by 1944 of resolution while the videos are just 640 by 480. i knew this was a simple cheap camera, but it still does impresses me." "when did you get this camera?"

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Para-Imperium Technology

These twins could communicate instantly to each other across light-years it turned out, unfortunately their resolution was poor, most only manage to get across feelings or sensations, a few very lucky pairs have managed to send images.

Hail, the Living Legend - Tale 2

Nevertheless, as for the friends in question who resolutely followed samandra, she knew very well that they were old enough to take care of themselves.

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