Dear Diary [Part 3]
Hannah and i were able to get to the game fine, and we even got past tony who was content to listen to my rambling about the latest anime online while hannah sneaked by to drop the allergen doses in the drinks.
A New Dawn - Chapter 11 (With Friends Like These...)
Laguna began to ramble about something, i just nodded and made a few grunts in response to his questions, but i wasn't paying much attention to him.
A Bard's Tale - Chapter Five.
"kalik does not ramble, only the foxes ears are dull" the lynx said, his voice was probably low due to his age, it rumbled as if he was purring.
But he had no choice but to sit here and listen to her megalomaniacal rambles ... "problem is, each individual sheridan town ... has its own 'board,' and ... what was once a thriving conspiracy is now ... in a state of flux.
The Analogy of the Tail
Usually at the time they started rambling about what would happen when so and so saw them like this. but these two? they seemed more curious and excited for the change than worried.
CyberLove: New Beginnings
Write me an email.. " - her mother was starting to ramble, as her own tears would start to flow.
Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #3
Hur hur well then i won't keep rambling any longer. i hope you enjoy the third installment!
It All Started (Part 3)
By this point, the class was almost dead silent while our teacher rambled about quadratic equations up at the front, completely oblivious. everyone's focus was on us, and i could almost feel the tension in the air like a physical force.
.\_.'') so our names kinda contradict" hikarume rambled on. "who are our parents?" kage snapped. hikarume looked at kage, awestricken.
All's Well That Ends Well
April patiently listened as jack rambled on about his encounter with the jackafluffy. "you didn't poke at it, didja?" asked april. "you should know they really hate that," she said as she helped jack to his feet.
Hey, world, this is Gray- a Dragons Lair "This is Me" challenge submission
I'm here to tell you about me, and here i go, just rambling on over this 'n, ....uh, .....'me'....... (gray pauses. he finds a bottle of water under the seat, and takes a drink.
Hard Rain
The tired raichu stared inquisitively, listening to her ramble. "but you've probably got no idea what i'm talking about. never mind me." the woman rose again and made for the stairs.