The Reality Chapter 13

Ren was not too happy on how much time we took up getting the present. we led the people who were moving the present for us to lex's room. it was in a big box and it was wrapped up nicely i did not want anyone to be able to guess what it was.

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Undertow: Prologue -- Chapter 6 - The End (of the beginning)

We all kinda helped out; taking gifts and passing them about the room to try and speed the process along. i figured i'd give fen his gift later-- after we'd left. so i kept that one a secret.

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Tommy's Death.

.** **\*present...again\*** **tommy lets out a hacking cough, "that day... my life changed... it all... began."** **\*flash back. tommy is in the hospital. first day.\*** **tommy wakes up, "mommy, where are we?

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Castle in the Sky

Alas, he did not leave us alone, a gift, he left, in the hearts we own. a little reminder of his creation, he left to us our imagination.

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Stolen From Some Great Writer [Winter Meta 2022]

"because i know how much i dislike being watched as people want to watch you open a present, expecting some huge reaction or-" "this present is for you."

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I do this as a gift for her, my belov'd ruler of the night. she gave me such great gifts you see, she cured me of all blight.

Part 3: Memories

However, his gift was only used as communication between the various clans to establish trades and to help others, if they wished. every village had several guides like drias.

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River Blossom Celebrates Midsummer

The vines and herbs, to be wrapped and braided around the wood, both gifts of rumesh. the salt, gift from shan; preserver of life and food, and desiccant for the burial of the dead. the bow, gift of yyvash, defender of the home and provider of food.

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chapter eight

Basically type of genetically manipulated transformation this can be recent past ,present and far future setting so one can easily change this fit there setting type ///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-/// **independent****  


Elizabeth's Tale --- A Thirst For Freedom (Chapter 1)

The present was a regular rectangle-shaped box wrapped in paper of my favorite colors, pink and purple.

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Tahikida, Chapter 4

" yes, she personally oversaw my promotion" " as for my affinity," misha continued, " i have a gift for truth, i can glean one's true nature and intent, i also have a slight gift of sight, but its more tuned to the past than present.


Planet of Magic

But his father gave him an extra present. "open it son... see what it is." he said quietly. a little surprised by his father's quiet stature, dak slowly opened his gift. when he saw what was inside, his jaw dropped. "dad!" he shouted. "this is....
