Maverick Hunter - Chapter 6
After a few moments the smoke dissipated, leaving the ship to descend upon the planet in an otherworldly fashion. within moments the frigate skid across the water hap hazardously in a type of crash landing.
Grentail Manor Chapter 8
As an otherworldly melody played through the caves, susila remembered the legend of an immortal creature; the phoenix, child of fire.
Framed part 3
Before i passed out i wasn't having any luck beyond cryptic hints and vague tales of otherworldly creature that can imitate any form. all in all it wasn't really anything that would help me figure out the identity of this particular one.
~...|Secrets of the Chroniclers|...~ - The Crona Chronicles - --~EPISODE 1: PRELUDE TO DESTINY~-- Part 1 of 4: A Glimpse Ahead...
Crona said as the moonlight reflected off the silver rune markings on her white scales making her glow with an almost inner, otherworldly light. "would you care to join me for a midnight stroll thru the park now that you are finished for the day?"
Black Magic - Chapter Twelve: Badlands Drifters
"damn, aren't you the king of otherworldly jeopardy?" laughed wonder woman sarcastically. hey, if she can crack jokes, then so can i. "did you study up on this stuff as a hobby or something?"
Dreams On The Breeze 3 - A Dark Knight
For a few eternal seconds, he only heard that otherworldly breeze, slightly stinging at his cuts, trying to see where his opponent had disappeared to, confused at how quickly darkness came with twinkling stars fading before his eyes.
Lakeside Leisure
When you summon me to your side in the otherworld, i will ride without hesitation." he muttered, pressing paw flat against his chest, then raising it towards the rook, and the boundless sky beyond.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 5
There was something otherworldly about this tableaux, a sense of something unseen. three mothers, together, lying in the snow. one who had given birth to him, one who had raised him, and one who was carrying a child of his own.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 96
There was something otherworldly about this tableaux, a sense of something unseen. three mothers, together, lying in the snow. one who had given birth to him, one who had raised him, and one who was carrying a child of his own.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 11
She hissed through clenched teeth, shrugging innocently "another habit" she rubbed her arms, her fur feeling warm and numb alternately "instead of _what_ you should use _who_in your question because i'm not some otherworldly being or anything.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 3
The otherworldly voice roared again, tendril growing in size once more grey eyes fell from the live, yellow eyes onto the staff the priest was holding, just to jump back again. coriza noticed the sparkle of fear in the malachite dragon's orbs.
All Things Quiet And Sweet 1 - A Blind Run
From what he could see despite his eyes and the shitty signal, it appeared to be some sort of anime about a few young students trapped within a hellish otherworld.