Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 15: Abandon
no matter how much she couldn't take it, no matter how much her very being was averted to the pain, it could take her all the same, overcome her without a bit of mercy no matter how much she needed it to stop, to just let up a little.
I, Dacien Chapter 9: Realignment
"first, we had some warning of this assassination, although ... no, please, lord regent, we thought the danger far off, on my word! i was told there was no urgency, that no possible attack could be mounted for months!"
Bohemian Blasphemy
Never let you tango let me tango let me tango never let me tangooo no, no, no, no, no, no, no. oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me tango.
Orken's Diary (6/???)
The Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 12: Reflections of Passion (part 3)
#47 of that gay goth dog -till- _"no." a german shepherd said falling onto a chair in his room. "no, no, no." he started whimpering and looked at the air force book his grandpa gave him. "no, no, no, no this isnt true!"
Be Somebody - Prologue
They attempted to reach out, to discern anything from the environment, but came back with no answers. no explanations.
All in a Day's Work
He finds no hole in the floor, no beasts, and no hunk of tail in his paw. looking over at zinka, who appears to be alright, but in a daze much like himself, he grins, and starts to walk toward the blue light.
Aurora Borealis:My new world awaiting, chapter 1
no thoughts surfaced in all that time, i just... was. i don't know, the feeling you get when you have no worries and no plans, no past and no future, just the present.
Evolution's Gate Ch.3 - Zerobi's Story
no heavy odors from big and powerful pokémon, no rumbling in the ground from a portal to another world and no magic of the legendaries that would exceed one's ability of understanding. nothing but dank air and rocks.
Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 14
There were no wires, no equipment, no anything. it was almost like he had super powers from a children's show.
Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure (ALT Cut No. 2) Part 2
no, no, no, i'm oliver. it was henry and gordon who that happened to, why would think it would be me? luprand: my apologies, mr. oliver.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 26
"no, no, no, no those kin are as annoying as the evil emperor himself." klank groaned as he heard the kin singing through the monitor as he watched them.