Annabel Lee
The latin words, soft but clear in the fennec's tall ears, were familiar for reasons sacred and profane, from youth and from school, from litany to poetry to academic curiosity.
The Eve
There was a sensation more than a memory of the voice, a vague idea of an innocuous conversation, a phrase (latin?) that he somehow felt etched into his mind, and nothing else about the customer remained.
Beginnings (WIP)
Its ancient latin. very ancient. i'm not apprised that you did not recognize it. even the medical fields don't use it vary often if at all.
Explanations, At Least!
"it is latin. it means something like: 'magic knight'. a magic warrior of shorts." kion stared at the wolf, unsure of what to do or say, or what to think, actually. sure, he imagined that there was probably an explanation to what he had seem.
They Could Be Angels
"i don't think 'all knowing' and 'wise ass' are the same thing, but cato is an old latin name for the former.
Cold Blood 11: Cut Deep
They didn't walk like humans, their footsteps didn't sound like humans, and even if they spoke elegant latin and perfect greek, their voices weren't _human_ voices.
The Centurion
In fact, i couldn't even tell if he was speaking latin or his own language. "we're looking for the healer," the lioness yelped as she stepped forward to embrace this lion. "the one who has come to capernaum." "you two know each other?" i asked.
Like Son Part 2 - 2021
latin for 'compassion, service, loyalty, and truth'. the civilian chatter had softened as the prestigious officers took their place on the podium.
The Luck of Finding a Warm Fire in the Woods
Of course some people like powerfully pronouncing the words in latin or channeling their power better through objects but that stuff isn't really needed. magic is really as simple or complex as you want it to be so give 'er a shot."
Chicken Soup for the God's Soul
It was grace in the old latin. the only word most people recognized was the amen at the end. they all repeated it, parroting like children.
I, Dacien - Chapter Seven - Illumination
Whatever language he was speaking was neither greek nor latin, and it was soporific. dacien had to force himself to stay awake.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.6 - Bait and Switch
Problem is, if your menopause comes in too early, that puts up a higher risk of osteh...ostero-porous, some kinda latin shit-" "osteoporosis?" gaho squinted. "yeah, that.