Carrier Wolves - Chapter 2: Hyperdrive

"a mechanic is as much a woman's job as a man's one." "hey, i'm just speaking from statistics there!" defended carlos, ears flattening. "i'm sure whoever it is can do a great job at being a third opinion for our ship, and fix it if it isn't."

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A fur at Freddy's: Sister Location (part 3)

"great job... it seams funtime freddy is out of power, which should make your job so much easier and safer, the release switch for his chest is located on the underside of the endoskeleton jaw.

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Keeping Secrets

'so, are you and yampii ready for this job?' asked the lion. samiake nodded. yampii was his partner for this job. they were both from the same company of 'persons for hire', otherwise known as mercenaries.

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Office Work, with a Twist of Carnage

I'm looking for a support job, even a desk job if i can't get that." he began thumbing through the papers on his desk, "we don't have nearly as many openings for non-hunting jobs..."

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The Freehorn's Scars - Chapter 7

Despite that, he had to admit that he was antsy to get back to the last hill to begin working on some higher paying jobs.

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"just moved down here after i lost my last job up north, and i've not had much time to do anything but look for a new job."

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The Truth

Their job was simply to make sure the bear wasn't harmed. as they slid into the waiting car, they each let out their own sighs of relief. now that they were safely away from the rally, they could call their own jobs a success.

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Hard worker (donkey TF)

This job will help you get in shape and learn a few things about how a farm works. it can change your life! i sighed a little bit and picked up my phone.



There were molycirc installation jobs down on the surface of dromia vi, of course, but the ones in space paid better.

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 23

"and i've never heard you talk negatively about the library job." venti lazily waved a hand. "this is also true." "in fact, the only job you've said negative things about is working at cappuccinos." venti draped an arm around art. "the hours suck."

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Living as a Skunk: chapter five

Getting a job was kind've hard for me though. i started out at the local fast food joint hamburger king. however, when my tail got caught in the frialator and the fries were "furry" all day they said they couldn't cover me, i had to find a new job.

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