Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 11

"(the devils are planning to dominate this world after killing of a third of human and other surface creature's lives.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Eighteen

You probably kept your dominant nature because you were only living with your mom.

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Savannah Blues part 14

Carl was amused by the show of dominance he seemed to be lacking these past couple of days. bix was worried he was going to be dog chow and not in the good way.

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A light lunch

A position of dominance. even his stance flowed with the sheer power of his muscles and dominance. as if it were just flowing out of him like a rushing river after a dam breaks.

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Academ: A Lecture and Lesson

There is much more in here than just knowing how to dominate the mind and trapped beings are often a good source of knowledge if you know how to deal with them, but most importantly, you are now in charge of keeping this safe.

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No Frills: Voltage

Overall, he accepted people into this group if they were kind and agreeable people, and kept a distance from anyone meaner-spirited or who liked to try to dominate the group.

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Untitled Poem

Darkness dominates my heart, but i try for light, in part. no matter how hard i try, this cannot change until i die.

Out The Door

And fighting is common enough, at least among furs, but most of us know to stop once we've asserted dominance; there are still laws and we are civilised.

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Black Magic - Chapter Six: Section 2

"welcome to your new home, dominic." norton sneered. "i've wanted to place you on the roster here for a long, long time." "why, pray tell, would you want me here, hmmm?"

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 63 - A simple touch...

The government, on the other hand, was dominated by people from the dhi surjayigh region, which had also made up most of the ruling elite during the entire accr period.

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GoD-Ep32-Confronting the Source-

George and demeitrus had looked down at him and almost like a robot had raised their dominant hands charging with magic to eliminate him but they were stopped. "dad!" "roman!"

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Desire for Love

Desire for love i need a wolf who is laid back who is patient who is kind who is compassionate who is caring who is funny who i can watch play video game who is dom and sub who enjoys affection of all sorts who would say he loves me

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