Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 14

._ _emperor charles was arrested a little less than forty eight hours ago under the order of a selected group of the high council, directed by admiral royce personally.

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Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 11

I'll do whatever i need to do to avenge the death of charles! once junior is dead... everything will change."_

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: EP 11 Psycho Visions.

It's charles newport. i'm sorry i couldn't tell you my name sooner." both the trainers just nod and silently leave the gym. they head to the pokécenter to rest for the night.

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The Promise 4 - To Her Love

[b][i]"is that so...charles henderson?"[/i][/b] the trike suddenly balked hearing his name. [b][i]"you of all saurians should know exactly how this will end."

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A Comprehensive Guide to the planet of Alexandrite

Second canine's bio- charles gerald everest, he is the 58 ,6'7 great dane, he wears a black turtleneck, cream colored pants and black slacks, his clothes hide his ripped body type even at his age.

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Ferrets can’t rig. Badgers can’t pull.

Oh, yes, he thought, charles will really love being told his guys needed to work faster. the way he already endlessly complains about being understaffed.

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Ferrets can’t rig. Badgers can’t pull

Oh, yes, he thought, charles will really love being told his guys needed to work faster. the way he already endlessly complains about being understaffed.


The Centos Herd

"this is our first mate, charles. he will show you to your cabins so you can freshen up. predinner drinks and appetizers will be served shortly in the main salon where you can meet the other guests.

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Paragon Part 1

Paragon part 1 by charles e.

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bobbie and James -01 --new school, new threats

charles dodson; lewis carrol bobbie moves swiftly down the crowded hallway, he quickly threads his way around the other students changing classes in the halls.


Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 12

"_the military, under the direction of the high council and the most exalted and honorable emperor charles, has implemented martial law throughout the empire.

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Conversion 2: Coming and Going

Also the small pistol he still had from his mad escape from charles landau's place earlier. he fumbled with the seatbelt while she pulled out, mostly to cover up the silence.

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