Tales From Switch City: Kickaha's Tale
Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! physical books and ebooksbuy my book! tales from switch city kickaha's tale "hmmmmmm."
The Littlest Lab Rat
#66 of transformation support on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!
Chisagi Fore Hire
Of transformation patreon reward for zeelo zeelo applies for a job, didn't get the full details though and so was bit surprised to find himself a familiar.chisagi species infosupport on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex
Door to Door
Awaiting someone in the story at least.support on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!storiesbycalex.com door to door by calextheneko rob had a job to do and he was determined to do it.
Post-Transformation Therapy
Support on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt! post-transformation therapy by calextheneko the best thing about a good scheme was the potential for follow ups.
Pawpad Retreat
They're given a chance to experience a truly fantastic experience but don't truly believe what they're getting into until it's already begun.support on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!
Shift 001: The Dragon's Giftshop
Shift adventure trackerjoin calex's transformation station on discord! shift mission 001: the dragon's gift shop shift mission briefing we've received reports of a dragon sighting to the north of the village of windhaven.
A Small Update
Well that should be simple enough.support on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!storiesbycalex.com a small update by calextheneko "ugh..."
:psupport on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!
SHIFT 002: The Devil's In The Details
Shift adventure trackerjoin calex's transformation station on discord! shift mission 002: the devil's in the details shift mission briefing: it would appear a foolish wizard has attempted to strike a bargain with the demons of tartarus.
Dr. Glowdance's Personal Research Notes
Glowdane created a plan to capture this child of the forest and get the answers he wanted.support on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!storiesbycalex.com dr.
A More Exotic Locale
So he decides what he needs is a change in location to mix things up.support on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!