Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 48

The crowd finally thinned and layla burst out into the open, gasping for air, and there he was, a tiny little wolven boy with dark brown fur, standing all by himself in the middle of this chaos.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Six: Worlds Beyond Walls

It was a comforting sensation and one marek's intensely acute wolven sense of smell, appreciated. cyan continued, weaving her narrative like wisps of smoke that coiled around them.

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Aaru - Chapter 2 (The Truth Revealed)

Rengilar during the wolven attack. when i pursued kaleb through the eastern gate... i hadn't been able to control myself.

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Freezing betrayal.

While he did, the tigran cyborg raised an eyebrow at what he could see as nothing more than a hollow image of a dark blue half-wolven man.

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New Detail v.2

His uniform a wolven regular. in his hand, a pistol. kihara seen him lift his pistol towards evancis. reacting quickly she fires off a round into the wolfs chest. he takes her bullet and aims towards her.

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Windchaser - Acceptance

It's male population were called upon by the land's king, to defend and repel the invasion of the wolven and canine armies that threatened their way of life.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 40

Beyond the wall of wolven backs she saw a crazy leaping through the air, claws spread out, mouth wide open, fangs bared, saliva stretching out in the slipstream, but the next moment there came a sound like a book being slammed shut, and suddenly all his forward

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Valentines! II

Curt nervously padded to the chair in the centre of the room, opposite jake, his wolven eyes almost boaring into his own. jake could almost taste the pressure and tension he was creating for this poor boy, but he had to make him squirm just a little.

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TGBC Character sheet

Description: hukan is a brown jackal, that roams the wolven soceity on a mission. he was sent by the jackal essence to observe and protect. not much else is known about him at the moment. he posseses a pink core.


Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 37

The old wolven symbol for 'trap'.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 139

The crowd finally thinned and layla burst out into the open, gasping for air, and there he was, a tiny little wolven boy with dark brown fur, standing all by himself in the middle of this chaos.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 6

According to wolven law, those two crimes put together made him an even worse sinner than banno.

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