Venturing: Midsun Frax
Venturing: Midsun Frax The rain falls upon our heads as we gathered ourselves upon the doorsteps of the targeted building. We gazed at the opened door, noticing quickly how pitch dark it was inside that it was nearly impossible to see anything...
Venturing: Gonna Dough
Venturing: Gonna Dough "Great! I am starving!" Kyro said as we entered through the doors. We felt the cold blast of fresh air washed down upon us as we entered. Gazing upon our surroundings with the chattered behind us. I smiled only faintly...
Venturing: Five Inlock
Venturing: Five Inlock Underneath the midnight skies, we found ourselves upon a campsite. With only five cabins surrounding us. I stared onto each of them and reflected a frown towards the rest of my unit as they stayed in silence. With the...
Venturing: Storing Habits
Venturing: Storing Habits We had arrived onto the scene of the crime. We landed upon the cold grounds beneath us while folding our wings, we turned our attention towards the store in front of us. None of us had said anything in the past hour...
Venturing: Corner Wings
Venturing: Corner Wings Dark. It was almost impossible to see anything around here. I stared out onto the horizon, frown was upon my face as an exhaled sigh escaped my lips. I shook my head, flapped my wings before starting my walk across the...
Venturing: Deceptional Flour
Venturing: Deceptional Flour The door parted as I entered in. I looked about upon the surrounding taking everything that I could find within in hopes of solving this hard case. I was in the main room apparently; Connected with two other rooms...
Venturing: Pioneer Gas
Venturing: Pioneer Gas "A regular stereotype teenager dragon huh?" Natty started, fixing her attention to the front door of the house. Nods came from Kyro and Zander while I just stared at the door in silence. Yet no one answered her back as...
Venturing: Pararun
Venturing: Pararun There was shouting and screaming. Footsteps rapidly running as if they were in a race. All the citizens were heading away from their town. Why? No one dared to answer. And as I remained on the sideline watching them flee...
Answer Everything: From Sources
Answer Everything: From Sources My eyes were to the window, staring quietly at the white snowy yard we have outside. A breeze slapped the snow away from the window as it descends slowly to the grounds below. I sighed and flicked an ear in...
Microscope - Prologue
# Prologue # The restaurant was quiet, except for the voices coming out of a dining booth in the back. The booth's wall-lamp produced the only artificial light in the room, it being aided by the glow from the bright night sky coming in through the...
Venturing: Of Fore
Venturing: Of Fore I stand alone staring out onto the darkness before me. All was quiet. Very too quiet indeed as I grabbed my pistol and growled; narrowed my eyes and kept staring out to the horizon. "Alright Ling, you are authorized to move....
Venturing: Underno
Venturing: Underno The skies darkened as we gathered in front of the stationed. Everyone was silent, no one spoke a thing to one another while our eyes stared out towards the horizon before we pulled it back towards each other. The lights from...