Prelude to the weekend
"yeah," shane replied, pausing at the end of the hallway, "maybe not, but it only had to work once. see ya at the game!" he waved, and turned, quickly reaching full tilt and bursting out the door in pursuit of his friends.
The Shadows of Chicago
Ethan was working on his leg with a needle and chucked at shane. "ah, easy there!" my son smirked at him.
Zootopia: First Salvo chapter 14
Sheesh i'm good at math but suck at putting faces to numbers...any way... he's my brother shane and his brood is getting too big for his own place.
Crimson 1 - Nowhere to Run
"you seem to underestimate your value, shane. sovy said to keep you alive." the prisoner quirked a brow - _important huh? fat chance of that._"you think i'm important?