The skeletal wreckage grew closer together as they wandered deeper into the forlorn ruins. the winds whistled mournfully between the twisted reddish bones.
Warrick's Tale part 0
() in the back of the black citadel there lies the ruins of an ancient human city called rin. these ruins, with their crumbling walls, have long been the go-to place for secret meetings to happen.
Between Winters, Part XI
- - - the bright flames of the campfire made a welcome change to the day's worth of grey dimness within the library ruins.
Shreds of his story lay in his mind, like the paper before him - torn, crumpled and ruined - unable to be pieced back together and made whole.
The Battle Beyond the Field - An Interview With the Legend
In the process of the war, the planet was left in ruin, nearly destroyed. the planets cities have now been rebuilt, and the human race thrives with nearly every race in the known archives.
Accident That Never Happened Chapter 3
Why would you ruin something we found, something we shared, something that special!?" he said, yelling. tears ran down his face. the tears soaked the table, creating a huge puddle.
Sits and the Temple of Boom
The temple was indeed in ruins. its remains partially covered his massive, muscular body, like a shattered blanket made of ancient stones.
Dead man walking Chapter 2
"those guys ruined my appetite, here" he throws me an apple "besides, i rarely eat my lunches anyway" he looks at his watch " well that ruined most of the afternoon but it felt good to stretch again, come on let's get inside before it's we are late
The Furry Parable Ch.4 (ending 1)
You ruined the whole thing you insignificant brain-dead assfuck! but, i shouldn't be angry with you.... let's let you do some other things in different stories. \*danny is transported into a forest\* 'katniss run!'
You can ruin my life, but it also ruins you masochist! bastard! why do you do it? take our innocence and run us through with it? god is an entity, but he seems not to intervene with his own creations, or did he just leave?
Sweet Home Chicago
The figure stopped when it approached the edge of the ruined buildings, and took its hat off at last. she threw it aside, and it landed on the antenna of a decaying chevrolet cavalier like it was a hat rack.
The Round Trip
He began to shake like a leaf, and muttered to the thief through gritted teeth: "you've ruined me. you've ruined my life. you've taken all i had, including my wife. you did this to me. you began this strife. have mercy on me: find a knife.