Chapter 3 - The Beginning of War
His least favorite is pumpkin pie. why'd you wanna know?" "no reason," said len as he walked off to the kitchen. lucky for len, zeke was preoccupied watching tv in his room to notice he was baking a pie.
Published form of Untouchable
He put a pumpkin pie spice instant coffee pod in the maker, checking his phone. derek and chase hadn't texted, so they would arrive at the earliest around six. he grabbed his coffee, sitting at his kitchen table.
The Light of the Moon
Then, she returned the next day with her grandmother's pumpkin soup. "you're so amazing in the kitchen! how did you learn all of this?" the following day she returned with her personal poetry and an empty tray as a prop for her role as a servant.
Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 5
There was a loud splash, and suddenly kiana was in the river with him, pushing her way through the water with all the grace of a pumpkin, her dress trailing out behind her in the rushing current. "kiana!"
Tales of the Stout Bulwark: First Assembly
As expected of the ship's class, the majority of the crew wore the same pumpkin orange highlights of engineering as honifield did.
Vengeance On A Sliding Scale
Bowled back and over, he rolled into a non-harvested pumpkin. it splintered beneath his head. the gourd cracked and splattered its guts over the back of his head. "how do you like being the wimp, drake?" albie demanded.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:4
"roasted corn and pumpkin pies." audrey grinned at the ewe, giving her a sly grin. "now don't fret darlin', as part of the family you get as much free food as you want at my stall." dawn giggled. "t-thank you, that sounds delicious."
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:13
"that'd be ma's pumpkin flapjacks." vernon replied. "best in the county!" audrey yelped over the din. the she-wolf quickly sidled up along the pair as they stood in the door frame. audrey extended her paw out to vernon expectantly.
Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 5
There was a loud splash, and suddenly kiana was in the river with him, pushing her way through the water with all the grace of a pumpkin, her dress trailing out behind her in the rushing current. "kiana!"
The First Cracks Form
Splattered with the finely mulched entrails of a pumpkin. i suppose i should be happy that they so thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and yet... how unbecoming! what sort of antics did father provoke mother into partaking with him?!
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 17
Toby yelled before crushing the head in like a pumpkin. brain matter gushed out, and sasha threw up as blood and grey matter was splattered all over the pavement.
Party Monster
Tonight, however, the normally bland building had been covered with all sorts of hanging pumpkin cutouts, fake spider webs and other, more elaborate but increasingly rushed and lazily installed decorations to celebrate the holiday.