Living the Dream, Part Three

It took opening your mouth quite wide in order to tear anything using the large canines, which was useless for anything but meat - and since a civilized person cut his meat before eating anyway, the teeth were nearly obsolete.

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Surviving Solitude Part 6

All those pungent smells of meat, black pepper, and freshly-made biscuits soothing my lungs with comfort. however the smell is half as pleasing to the nose, as to the eye. the meat was as large as a 16 eggs in a 4x4 grid shape.

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Chapter 1: A Life of Slavery and Blood

Unfortunately, i ate a tad too fast, and began to choke on a hunk of meat. _damnit!_ i heard the sound of rushed feet approaching, and then felt a hand slapping my back, the chunk of meat was dislodged, and i spat it out.

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Dire Wolf Rivals

Her teeth began to tear into the carcass, splitting meat from bone as she gulped down huge chunks of meat. one at a time, the others approached her, their bellies to the ground as they grovelled for their share.

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Clear Minds Chapter 10

The fur that he saw was at the meat section putting away packages if meat. walking up to the fur that caused him so much physical pain was terrifying. kaleb reach his hand out and touched the fur's shoulder. he turned around and stared blankly at kaleb.

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Blood-Bond Ch7 (conclusion)

As long as i don't have to cook meat, i will be _fine_." i said, shuddering in revulsion at the thought of raw meat being cooked till it gave off that disgustingly bloody smell. becoming a bird had made it even more revolting, the smell being stronger.

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Chapter Seven: Ptero and Agatha

meat is what you're meant to have." said agatha. "i do eat meat! but can't i eat plants too?" begged ptero. "absolutely not! i forbid it! you will be a greater hunter if you only get meat!" said agatha.

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Family Reunion Chapter 1: A Town Called Felborough

There wasn't a single ounce of synthetic meat to be seen, despite the fact that they were literally four blocks down from a meat-packing plant. "excuse me, ma'am, do have a carnivore menu i could see?"

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Bambi's first feast (Vore)

His mouth was suddenly filled with meat, a new substance he had never tried before but found strangely...appetising. thumper was delicious, plump with natural fat and teeming with enticing lapine flavour.

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Spyro and Cynder: New Beginnings Ch. 2 A New World

Cynder would cut slices of meat from the boar, and spyro would cook the meat with his flame breath. pretty soon they had enough pieces for a small feast. "i think thats enough cynder, i'm starving." said spyro as he finishes cooking the last piece.

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MoonDust, Chapter 5

An acidic reply about just how many animals--and what parts--were in the hunk of processed "meat" he was eating rose to her lips, but she bit it back. a table full of meat-eaters wasn't the place to trot that out.

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The walls pulled inwards, squishing clint's body down as the hot meat cradled him closely, folding around his entire body and leaving him with a lack of air.

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