Chapter 28 Imperfect Love
Charles watched him preside over court, both proud of his lover and guilty at once. charles knew that if he wasn't so useless, he could have helped his lover run the duchy. but he _was_ useless.
Just as arken's powers could not save him from passing, dalas' lack of powers did not stop him from seeing right through his lover.
Treasure Hunt
If he himself could not save his own love from the clutches of mortality, then perhaps they are not fated to be perpetual lovers after all. failure might mean he is unworthy of her love in the first place.
Love story
But if you visit it with your lover with a pure intent your lover and you will be together forever.
Even the sore ache in her nethers was a delight all its own, the lingering result of a marathon of climaxes provided by her lover.
survival of the packs
"yes" they all say in unison and there is about 995 of them "we all have agreed that you are to take charge of our fight back against the poachers that attacked the war runners" says lover. "what" i shout.
survival of the packs
"yes" they all say in unison and there is about 995 of them "we all have agreed that you are to take charge of our fight back against the poachers that attacked the war runners" says lover. "what" i shout.
Single's fun
I do not know what the future holds, however when i do meet my lover i will be happy. i am not the greatest at being available, i love to hold someone in my arms again.
Let it Be, Ch 5
He spoke his ex-lover's name at a whisper. "louis..."
Enter the Nightmare
The feuding of the crusade and scarlet had had a large death toll, one he didn't want to bring back upon the shattered mind of his lover.
Tower of Ancients Chapter 10~ Keeping a Promise
Inuko slowly backed away from the scary look of his lover. the young captain stood up and brushed himself off. "i must apologize for my behavior, my name is endrance." he replied as he offers a white rose to rebecca.
Our Time
I do not understand this language of the hands but i do so wish that without the use of my lips, may my lover come to understand me and yet not a word pass between us.