Natural Habitat Interviews 3: Sheila

james lipton: and all has been happy ever after? sheila: not 'arf.

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Rise of RCM/Ironet

#24 of wayward scale james has a plan... yinglets by valsalia thanks to sergal queen arts 58 for her role as emilia scale james watched as the number on his counter dropped.

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Scales and Scavs chapter 4, Testing and treatment

james kept an eye on the other soldier as he went over and picked him up, then went and took the yingling. upon seeing her kicking, james weaseled her from the soldier's grip and held her.

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my life in a tbhrpg ch4

She was not sure if this was his way of paying back james for saving his life or what. " and if master james does not want to go?"

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Johnny Bear's First Car

At the james otter's automotive repair, as mamma, papa and johnny sat in the office speaking with james otter about johnny's car, james had some bad things to tell the bear family about johnny's car.

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Wayward Scale, Chapter 3, Descended From Beastmasters

" " how long does the burn last," asked james. " an hour." " come over here, astar." astar caught up with james, and they both stopped, and james knelt down and said, " it'll be over before you know it." "i hope so," said the weasel.

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Not Good Enough...

"don't worry about it friendly, i'll do it" said james.

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Natural Habitat Interviews 2: Jybian

james lipton: which, i assume you did post haste. jybian: i didn't wait for the post; i went down to the attorney's office and gave him a check that afternoon! james lipton: just so.

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Scales and Scavs chapter 3, Odd Parenthood

"sounds like a plan," said james. "oh by the way, that uh, racism was planned," stated the soldier. "it was supposed to motivate you to stay and make more." what," james screeched. before the soldier could react, james snapped, "are you serious?

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The Courier Part 3

james pulled the bartended aside and whispered something in his ear. the stallion bartender's eyes widened and he handed a key to james in reply. "this way." james said. james led them up 3 flights of stairs, making shadow swear at the walk.