A Place to Belong - Chapter 2

The cool refreshing drink felt fantastic against my hoarse dry throat. actually,i'd tried to drink a little too fast, and began to choke. "easy now young one. it seems as though you've been through a lot." the avian said.

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Setting Sail, Chapter 3

"sounds fantastic," i replied with a wide smile. "so it's a date then," sean said. "pick you up at six?" i asked. "how about i pick you up this time, sound good?" "sounds perfect."

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Read Harry Potter, the Aenid of our times: Srsly (4 real!)

Joe gets another cake celebrating his fantastic sense of style.' in short, there's no artistic merit to it because - ultimately - nothing really happens. or, if we are kind, something happens and nothing really changes what happened.


**_a midsummer nights dream_:** oberon, titania, and puck all make fantastic characters which have helped me to forge my version of the fairy realm.

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Confessions- Part 2

"oh, stars, that's fantastic, shade!" she said, pulling back. "and i'm so glad you came to me about it, really. it means so much to me that you would trust me with this." "yeah, of course," he said, smiling at her. "you're... i mean... yeah."

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Animalands Lore, Magical Energy

Not to mention a fantastic white beard to complete the look. second is helios; his form is now a large hound with long claws, ruby dragon scales, and a cape cloaked in fire.

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The Kiss

"that's fantastic!" sidon yelled - in a voice so loud that it echoed off the cliff walls. but neither he or link noticed as sidon seized link in a strong hug, pulling him with a splash into the water. "i knew you could do it, link!

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She - a dream

Long white tail bent in a fantastic way, perfect shape, well drawn hips, long mane... i was feeling that she's too sexy for me and decided to have a better look at her later.

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Leaving it For The Future

"and so you hire a band of adventurers to 'subdue the wild beast' that is your son... fantastic. who then, pray tell is going to keep me safe from you?!" grabbing his cloak, evan threw it over his shoulders.

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Vignette: Acts of Intent

He'd saved up for three months to get this bike, a fantastic upgrade from what he'd had in college._ he could barely see now. yellow brightened, headed more towards white. a sun made of lines, graceful arcs and definitive straightedges.

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Part 4

"fantastic, two things you need to know first," he took the small glass bottle from his pocket, "if you exceed two tablets a day, you will die. second, if the cops catch this stuff on you, be prepared to spend a very long time in jail."

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Chicken Coop Sides A & B

"that is one fantastic fox." "shut up," the farmer said as they walked back. meanwhile, a young fox ate his spoils greedily in a hollow trunk not far from the farm, eager to do it again another time.

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