Unconvincing Gains
They teased him at first, leading him to blushingly deny their accusations that he'd grown overweight. it was just water weight! not like they were helping, since they decided to fuel his change for their own amusement.
Doom: Rise of Evil Ch.1: Arrival.
Access denied, please repeat identification." the computer lock said. "master sergant thomas kelly." the male said again. "access granted." the lock opened, revieling a weapons cache: machine guns, pistols, shotguns, plasma guns and a bfg 9000.
The breaking point...
All i've done, all i am was i honest, was it a sham can't remember anyone questioning why never had a reason to deny same goes for hope i shared it never meant much, i never really cared...
Stagger lately since my footing fell short of worthwhile the limp goes well with my half-hearted smile defending the downward slope is hard, a struggle to simply try the other end of the bend is peaceful, theirs a wanting i have i don't bother to longer deny
Mewthree's Christmas Carol - Epilogue
Grass-type, she was quite glad she had not enrolled rushing through the snow with a shiny necklace and glee a marowak finds herself easily escaping a pack of mankey stealing on christmas is something most pokémon would resent but how could she deny
The Corporate: Part 6 of 8
But now, in the presence of this strange being in this even more strange place, it became difficult to deny the hard reality of it all. then, with his free hand, the man took hold of harold's chin and directed his attention back towards himself.
Facts- his favorite color is white he speaks french and english he has a good singing voice he is bisexual but denies it if ever asked about it but can't hide it.
Bon Voyage...
I can't see tomorrow, i'll know your gone by my hand please know, i'll keep our wedding band your the only one for me, you'll be my one & eternal only my dreams till i'm gone, will be us till i wake lonely your a shell now, this i can't deny
S1 Ep18- Wolf mania pt2
"and now i deny that these wolves exist-" a huge searching robot appeared behind him at the stage and scanned him as he freaked out and the kids also freaked out. "did someone order one water wolf ?!"
History Lesson
Madmen at both political extremes denied scientific and medical evidence, and voiced insane conspiracy theories. some factions used the plague as an excuse for racism, bigotry, or economic rapacious actions, preying upon the weak.
My family...
I search my mother's room it's a mess as always can't deny it. then i go to my room's front door... there are scratches and blood smudges not wanting to see the horror that lies beyond it. turning the knob i hear moans from behind the door...
Reflectional Relapse...
Take me before tomorrow else i'll just feel sorrow i'll deny no bullet, no knife, or wire i only want my one & final desire i just can't bring my hand to take what was always yours, what's left of me i need help i can't ask for, so, so i can finally