Zombiology - Box Turtle

Given enough time and the luck of an abandoned burrow from some previous nester, she may have managed to gain her safety. fortune's fickle gaze gave her no more than a passing glance, however.

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Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Nine

The heat and pain vanished, leaving toke shaking on the floor of the abandoned building like the hollow skin of an insect as those three final words echoed through his head.

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Reboot Chapter one

abandoned and left to the elements like the rest of the world it seemed to be.

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Rebirth ch7

I've always been hunted by that girl, and abandoned/left by my true father and my mothers passing.' i hugged her closer and told her that she no longer had to be alone.

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Too Ordinary

Without thinking i fallowed him to the alleyway beside the closing shop, where a little abandoned sofa couch lay abandoned.

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Aurora: Chapter Three: The Preparations

For years, the sethiran has been squatting in the abandoned library, doing all she could to make ends meet.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Thirteen

Surely he, if nobody else, wouldn't just abandon me like this. "grandpa teddy?" i whispered. his face grew hard. "child, calling a politician by such names is horribly inappropriate.

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The Tower

abandoned. but this night would be different. he continued his prayer. "blessed be the wanderer. hear me, o' messenger. navigator god of seas and land. of luck and of fortune.

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Furever Faire Online CH 1

#1 of furever faire online enter furever faire online, a world that bloomed from an abandoned mmorpg, now taken on a life of its own.

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Ash stopped next to an abandoned fox set. he breathed in a deep breath and tried to howl. ash could not howl. something barked at him from inside the abandoned fox set. it was breeze. "come, breeze we have to get back to mother and father.

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The Coming of a New Age - Chapter 1 - The Entrance...

Was this temple abandoned recently? if so, that would explain why the panel where i suspect the ending to the ninth age would be drawn was only half empty - but then again, why is it only half drawn?

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“Ghost Pokémon and Curiosity” - A Pokémon Go! Creepypasta

The abandoned house being overlooked the entire time due to the lack of roads leading to it and especially records of it even existing.

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