File #1

#1 of star trek: warrior - atlantis an all new advanture following the crew of the starship, u.s.s. warrior. a sovereign class starship in their latest adventure file #1 "alex, you've really annoyed them this time..."

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Chapter 1

#1 of ruinous this is a longer story consisting of chapters rather than one offs. it's also the most recent thing i've written, so i've finally caught up with all the short stories i've done.

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Chapter 1

#1 of typical petshop romance nial was normal... boring, really, he was a tiny, feminine bat... he couldn't see for crap. yet he lived to work with animals, like snakes and reptiles.

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Chapter 1

I yawn widely as the blacktop in front of me simmers in the blazing sun. The New Orleans humidity makes it worse, and I feel like the sun beats down on my skin, despite sitting in the shade of a large oak tree. Green light filters down through the...

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"1 - Oceans."

#1 of short stories ... i never got the chance to see the wide ocean seas. i never got to witness the slow, rising and then setting sun through the ocean.


Chapter 1

#1 of the elf and the wolf hello all this is a story i've been working on for some time now. i'm not sure how to describe this so i'll just let my work speak for itself. if you like it leave a comment.

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Sonnet 1

In night, such longing times once warmed with lust Those hours in which I once would wish you near This cold, it does betray my absent trust for in your public presence I know fear Your blade, so cruel, these wounds unseen inside So thus it is I...

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part 1

#1 of dkk'sassassin contracts meh just came to me while thinking your name dkk for dovahkiinkit you were frozen in skyrim then became immortal then went through other video games you just woke up on this planet called earth you just left black ops

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Chapter 1

"Bonnie, did you have anything to say? Or are you ignoring me for a reason?" A lavender coloured bunny was awoken from his slumber, to see multiple pairs of eyes staring at him. He looked up and saw the teacher - a large anthro tiger - standing front...

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Promises 1

#1 of promises inspired by the short story "life is beautiful" by tim susman. this is brief, emotional, and will hopefully bring a tear to your eye.

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Q&A 1

I've gotten a few questions about my stories lately and I thought I might answer the one that I feel I've heard most frequently. Most of my stories are in the same universe as one another. There are 4 main universe's that I have created. The...

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Chapter 1

#1 of working title no one ever wants to clean up the mess that they made. it's always someone else that is stuck cleaning it up and it's usually a shitty job. sadly that person is me most days. it's not all bad it has good pay and very good benefits.
